Brita Roy



Brita Roy




1 min


Medicines may be a God-sent boon ,or they may be a veritable bane,

It is not for the level-headed, they are for the hypochondriac or the insane! 

 They bring on themselves worse health conditions, than what they were

, A “Saridon” in relieving pain, may cause insomnia, tachycardia or diarrhea!

They come in many forms-- liquids, gels, tablets, ointments or capsules.`

Some are to be injected, some a

pplied, or some ingested as granules.

 One prescribed dose for high blood pressure may make one dizzy,

With a dose for enlarged liver, one may become nauseous and queasy!

My grandmother groaning with pain, took medicines meant for arthritis,

Sad to say, the capsules caused kidney problems, and she died of Nephritis!

I ask you then why have medicines at all, when one problem leads to another?

Is the innocuous head-ache a greater curse than the debilitating diarrhea?!



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