Brita Roy



Brita Roy


A Citizen Of Ukraine

A Citizen Of Ukraine

1 min

I am a proud citizen of Ukraine, still I having a faint wisp of life in me,

I have been in this shoddy, stifling shelter, for intolerable days thirty- three. 

 I had a cuddly baby two months old, who would with hunger wail and cry,

 Her father went out to get some milk, but riddled with bullets was left to die!

They bombarded the civilian camps daily with missiles, one after another

With no electricity or water, hundreds of us were herded cruelly together,

My fingers bloated up in the cold, sore and sw

ollen, red with chill blain,

With absolutely nothing to eat or drink we were almost driven insane!

In the freezing cold we were left for days heartlessly to suffer,

The bodies of the dead were left in the claustrophobic shelter.

Can Man be so hard-hearted and unfeeling to treat even children so?

Can Man willfully take another’s life, inflicting him the cruelest blow?

God Almighty, make Man less bestial and barbaric, kind and humane!

Save us from this curse! We are your abandoned children of Ukraine!!

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