Brita Roy



Brita Roy


Story of a Puppy

Story of a Puppy

2 mins


The Christmas merry-makers zoomed down the lit road

In their open jeep, honking, hooting, a boisterous horde!

They laughed, howled, yelled and sang in ebullient unison,

They whooped, cheered and hollered in sheer festive fun.

The hapless street dog having given birth to a litter of five,

 Emaciated, weak and hungry, could not for long survive

On a crumb here or a crumb there, but having nothing to eat,

 In desperate search for food was trying to cross the street.

 The jubilant driver of the jeep was in a riotous festive mood,

 But the feeble and frail dog in haste was unable to move,

The jeep ran over the dog leaving a heap of flesh and blood,

A sharp cry of pain was heard and an imperceptible thud.

The five pups with wobbly legs and eyes without sight,

Waited in vain for their mother, not knowing her plight

Running here and there, were run over by speeding buses,

Having been squashed to pulp, they removed the carcasses.


 At tha

t moment a kind-hearted lady saw the gruesome sight

Saw the last little blind puppy, and took pity at her dire plight.

Picked her up tenderly, as if it were her child, in her caressing arm

Protecting her like a mother from all unknown impending harm.



The trembling little pup in implicit trust snuggled up close to her.

Her life is now unfolding amidst care, comforts and untold leisure.  

She has a warm soft bed to sleep on, and a diet of juicy chicken, 

Such was her destiny as ordained by the Almighty in heaven!









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