chipo chama



chipo chama




1 min

We all have scars

So more visible than others

Deeper than the oceans

Sharper than a sword pierce

Burns than fire

And more lasting than death

Some scars are self inflicted

Others by others

Met a girl scared on the forehead

She tries to hide it

With make up skin

She almost walked away with it

But still visible under her foundation

Everyone gives her a glance when she takes a walk

But not one of appreciation

Rather an eye of what happened to her

She now dreads moving on the street

>Her beauty no longer noticeable than her scar

Just like her

Many of us are scared Broken Pieces crumbling on the floor

Not physical but the pain shakes the body

Yes heart scars can't be seen

No foundation needed

With fake smiles we hide

Watery eyes reveals it

We no longer trust but hate

We turn to depression

Suicide lingers

Healing we seek but can't find

Friends become far fetched

No one to trust

No one cares there a remedy for a broken heart

Probably time

It heals all wounds.

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