prabhakaran.v vallath



prabhakaran.v vallath


My Lost Glory

My Lost Glory

1 min

I am sad and sulky,

I have nowhere to go,

My abode is being ruined,

I am being despised and belittled,

I still wonder how you survive.

I still cherish the days,

When children loved me,

Youth cuddled me,

And the aged honored me,

Still, you ignored me.

Now nobody is fond of me,

Everyone ignores me; I am hurt,

I am left like an antique,

That adorn your shelves,

I still wonder how you survive.

I stuffed your house,

With virtues and wisdom,

And embellished the libraries,

With wonder and amazement,

Still, you ignored me.

You discarded me leaving your kids in agony,

Why this grope and struggle,

When I am still alive,

I still wonder how you survive. 

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