Prerna Kumari

Drama Tragedy


Prerna Kumari

Drama Tragedy

She Is Scared Of The Dark

She Is Scared Of The Dark

1 min

She is scared of the dark,

She wakes up in middle of the night

How desperately she needed someone to hold her apart

She cries, she mourns

She shatters for a while

When she doesn't find anyone

To whom she could pour her heart out.

She is scared of the dark.

She wasn't the same earlier

But something happened 

Something which broke her

Which made her loose

Her trust in humanity

She used to be strong 

But that one brutal act had made her weak

She isn't the same anymore

She once used to love the darkness

She used to sit for

hours watching the sky

Fantasizing each and every creation

But now,

She is scared

Scared even to encounter the darkness

She shivers when she looks back

She wakes up in between

Crying, sweating and searching for someone

Someone who could tell her

Everything will be alright 

Who could hug her tight 

And tell her "No matter if right now

There is darkness and fear

The time will come 

When these memories will fade away"

Taking all these away from you

Making your fear washed away

These memories will fade away

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