
I warn you
Not to do things that I have done
If you follow those
I am sure you will suffer.
A life full of luxury
Is nothing but misery,
Getting adulated like celebrities
Leads to broken entities.
My body is inflicted with pain
It knows only how to cry in vain,
When I replace my hopes with desires
In the end, I do nothing but retire
The guilt lingers through me
After I militate against my hopes
I remember those nostalgic days,
But now I am trapped in my own way
That every
little emotion is left behind
After what I have done I can't look behind
In the past, time was ephemeral,
I lost something important to me
In my bloodshot eyes,
You will see nothing but ice
The dark road behind me,
Does not even have my shadow
I can die with my breath
But you can change the rest
Rise to the solitary sky,
And not tumble down to the slopes
Because if you choose the wrong lane,
I am sure you would suffer.
And anyways,
My life has no voice.