Noorahmed attar

Drama Romance Tragedy


Noorahmed attar

Drama Romance Tragedy

Chaos Of Soul

Chaos Of Soul

1 min

I did something terrible,

Lost hope in my past,

Enlightened disappointment to the future,

Crossed the same path over and over,

Just to find salvation,

The scapegoat became the hunter, 

Walked miles, 

Aiming to change the choices I made,

Ended up wrecking everyone around,

The chaos created, never changed

A hurricane blowing through my ears,

Firestorm giving my soul to ashes,

The ground beneath me crumbling,

Making me fall prey to the body buried in the woods, 

Trees bending towards the doom,


es spitting lava in monsoon,

Earth giving birth to predators,

Moon burned with freezing sun rays,

Rain trying to keep up the gloom,

The entangled chaos of all our fortune, 

Dreaming all over again,

The trauma of the breathing, 

The nightmares have become insane,

Walking on the same path once more,

Set me free, bridge the gap between you and me,

Let's cross paths in the middle of the ocean,

Try to seduce our will and celebrate the pain,

Existence of my self is to love, 

Now I smile with my soul and choose a new world.

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