DevaDas Menon

Drama Tragedy


DevaDas Menon

Drama Tragedy

A New Beginning

A New Beginning

1 min

When the period of lockdown comes to end

We will first seek each other,

And in our way will try to mend,

To heal, to feel for our unfortunate brother

We sat at home in comfortable climes;

They trekked through difficult terrain,

Going through hard times,

To reach home through their pain.

Now with end of lockdown in sight.

Exodus will hopefully also come to an end.

As for them too, things will be all right.

As together we shall all reach out to mend

Their helplessnes

s, hunger, and their pain.

As they restart their lives in their own way.

It will bring back their smile once again.

For all of us a new beginning a new day.

Let us not forget,heroes, heroines, others.

Who selflessly worked day and night,

Like our own sisters and brothers,

Brought us out of darkness in to light

So once the lock down comes to an end;

All of us will leave bad memories behind,

Our wounds will heal and we will mend.

And start a new innings with a fresh mind.

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