Something I Never Told Her
Something I Never Told Her

I write a poetry of her
I met her somewhere out of the blue,
She was a little bit cunning cute with words
Insofar as made me to smile.
She talk I can't help myself
Although watch her lips,
To notice the shapes and curves
They are the pink petals on a rainy day.
Moonlight wants to kiss her
Gestures of her lips carry treasure,
A floaty touch of moonlight on her face
Reveals the mysteries of her heart.
Moon always look up at this moon
Sometimes being jealous,
See it as the single most romantic place within the cosmos.
Nothing to say of her eyes
Her eyes narrowed until they were a faint greenish glitter,
Like a forest pool far back in the shadow of trees
Those eyes speaks of her dreams louder than her words.
Her silky hair residing at her shoulders
Gives her the freedom for empowerment,
These breezes wants to explore through her hairs
Too drunk of her despotic beauty.
These winds want to squeeze her fuzzy cheeks
She blushes when she gazes,
Her expressions are fascinating
Passion, thrilling, yet ravishing.
Her voice makes the ocean waves to feel composed
Raises some music,
No count what she says
Although her voice that matters or dwells.
The beauty marks on her face
Insofar as deep and bright,
Pretty as a picture
Reflects the purity of her heart
She needs someone like Sun
The Sun loves the Moon so much,
That he dies every night to let her breath
In return, she reflects his love.