Meenakshi Shukla



Meenakshi Shukla


Modern Love

Modern Love

1 min

The space in between us

is Moistier than the meadows

For it's constant exposure to

Heart Spilled banters

No matter how nonsensical they may seem

But never grow dry...


They have recently begun

To lose touch of innocence

With mere touches on the phone screen

Grappling with seen messages grow

And last seen growing us farther apart

The space between us

That felt sacred few minutes ago

Has suddenly become the land of all sins

Practiced on almost all 2D social circles,

That waited for my departure to break loose

Into tsunamis of potential infidelity

Sliding in the form of inappropriate DM's

Turning me into a complete mess.

Indecisiveness runs me blind

As my head explodes

Over-contemplating his every little move

On all make-believe social circles except one.

One place where we no longer meet

The space between us

Once mighter than the gods

Is condensed to a phone

with all evil thoughts

Floating like apps.

I see us falling apart 

With every scroll down

one like at a time

That we were one in a million couple once

Just the two of us 

And now we are one in a million couple

With 153 others.

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