Heart,Say It All While You Can
Heart,Say It All While You Can

It's all about time and its pace
Fast and slow; rush and easy
Damn, Yes! It's her chiseled face what my eyes trace
Unhurried me and time consciously speedy
She turns up gently like a breeze
And sweeps me in return like a storm
Wish I could make those moments freeze
When her presence does keep my beatings warm
Shy am I and reserved she is
And knots of stillness are our ties
Ready exchange of words I so dismiss
For gradual is the love that thrives
Muteness soon yields space to greetings
And life, yet the same, more cognizant of colors
With that fond smile in all meetings and partings
Wish what more if dispensed with such flavors
Tight-lipped episodes of my life without delay themselves disclose
Often the abrupt information I blow may imply that I flirt
Possibly that's why her windows of speech before me are so unusually close
But, is simply knowing someone such grave an affliction that she be hurt?
Grins Distress and trudges Time when I am deprived of your glimpse and form
And your gaze like a long lost wave returns as if it hears my unsaid plea
Oh Lord! What good deeds from my hands have you me unmindfully perform?
And Time murmurs,"I am what you have spent to receive it for free"
Words you utter are no less than delight
But, eager is my heart which craves ever for more and more and more
As a kite in spirited settings contends for a loose flight
You, nonetheless, even with that muteness will I ever the same adore
Let haste not overtake, for I must bide the time
Nor my company be that I should thrust
Let our hearts by natural course combine
For pushed relation, just as a bubble, is fated to burst
Moments were ne'er short or scarce when love poured from my ink
But for the heartbeat to halt and sigh nervousness it's been a while
It may sound weird but I stare only not to blink
That if I do, I may lose the charming spectacle of your smile
Innocent words may glorify you as some fantasy or fiction
But I'll forever be perceptively grateful of our common frame of existence
You may well be beyond the expression of any language or diction
Couldn't care less for details now that I am immersed in absorbing its essence
I fancy my drifting journey to be led by an usher
A constant face hence every dusk and dawn
With you being my lifelong significant other
Oh boy! What mayhem would it spawn
In this world of my fancy another world of complications so furiously rise
With a thin blurred line that separates the merge
As others take impossibility, so did it take me to my surmise
Where confluence of a river of carol and another of dirge so tempestuously surge
Seeing incidences, listening anecdotes and witnessing lives of the victims of unfulfilled love
I may somehow gather the strength to utter the three words my tongue now lacks
But once let loose what I feel, I will strengthen it to the extent that if you against it nod, my dove
It will turn against me so hard that I will be numb as a wall with numberless cracks
In the caravan of monotonous days, you're a reason for rejoice
As you arrive,"There, she comes!" whispers my heart at its height
Reached have I the cusp of life that I'm accountable for my choice
Whether it blooms the barrenness within or withers the left of my light
Not even begun yet and I'm already savouring amorphous lovely futures this instant
But wavering control of life wrinkles my face and consumes my unbridled elation
When hiccups of your name will be as close as you'll be distant
I wonder what's made so firm an intimacy of so fragile a relation
Love is an unrehearsed fall from which no one can maneuver a flight
Had it been otherwise, I would've taken some precautionary measure
It discriminates not on the basis of wealth, nor appearances or might
Yours is the association rich enough to turn my poor life into treasure
Efforts in vain howsoever much applied for restraint, but
Like a tendency of the rising sun it from the depths resurfaces anew
How silly would that be to see you and wander eyes in an attempt to strut
What grave offence to Beauty would it be to know you and not love you
For long have I guarded the portals to my heart
But kept windows wide open in hope to receive knock from a virtuous lass
Wings of time flutter in hurry and caution if I not act now on my part
May forever be marooned with eternal wait as the needle of my compass
Now is ripe the time and confess I must come what may
For loving you, even a lifetime is short and our story still inchoate
Or lest my heart tremble in pangs of dismay as delay accompanies further delay
That I will contribute to ashes if in search of a suitable date
Come! Let's exchange our pasts, share our presents and envisage our futures
And joyously let our footsteps abide by the course love dictate
Spoken promises chiefly falter and silence of accord often Speech butchers
So why not shed our words a little and let our eyes communicate
Whatever wrongs I have done will I indeed amend
To make our seemingly divergent fates coincide
Unbefitting habits of mine like unwanted skin shall off I fend
For you, my precious, to be forever alongside
A prayer in earnest to Air, our common friend, I cast
That if it draws itself away from one, mustn't help the other cope
'Cause any amount more supplied till the last
Would choke no less than all the world's smoke
A persistent turbulence from within have me shaken
On edge I stand now to know if your heart quivers the same
My Lady! Should your heart not already taken
Mind if I bow and proceed with the claim?