Your Interesting Names
Your Interesting Names

Your interesting name
So much more charming sounding to me
Than your real names
That sound more like the bells ringing in the temples
The same sound every day, every time
Your interesting names, so much closer to the way you are
You make me delete them from my file
By making me think deeply of you
Your day of birth, I can’t remember
I can pass the test, of remembering your birthdays, just once maybe
You are silently angry, of my putting your name on the cover
Of my dairy for you, of filth and wisdom
You compel me, to think deeply of you
And make me overwrite the words of filth and wisdom
With the words of poetry of you
You make me lose all your interesting names
Which you can always tell me again
With the all seeing third eye of phattu
Taking note of all that I do, and take a backup in your own diary
You are the sweetest charming of all
Would like to embrace me in a bear hug
And call it a love embrace
For your way, of showing, your discontent of my filth and wisdom backup in your own diary
Now I only have you in my poetry
My filth and wisdom left behind
Your interesting sound so charming to me now
Ever so more interesting
When I am in deep thought of you
I lose my mind, my senses go for a spin
I tear my soul, I tear my heart
I whimper, every time I lose my work, my words
When thinking about you
And I say please to you
To help me out to retrieve my words, that I overwrote
While thinking of you
Your interesting names, they have so much more meaning than your real names
Your interesting name, your interesting name
Will Sound so much more like you
When you will give me 2 under the ears
Your interesting names
Your interesting names
Your interesting names
O’beautiful you, beautiful you
I won’t mind, forgetting the world, dreaming about you
Your interesting names, so charming so lovely
Out of my affection for you, even before knowing you well
I give them to you, because you know me so well, perhaps better than I do my self
Your interesting names
Your interesting names
Your interesting names
L’oove you all for your interesting names
Lovelies all, lovelies all, lovelies all.