A Cry From The Wordless
A Cry From The Wordless

Did you not come to me...
In search of peace and solitude
For pacifying your worldly despair
In search of stillness and calm
For ridding your urban cacophonies
In search of beauty and grandeur
For pleasing your sore eyes
In search of burbles and chirps
For smoothening your inner turmoil
In search of freshness and fragrance
For revitalizing your aging youth
In search of food and shelter
For sustaining your mortal existence
In search of pasture and fodder
For appeasing your domestic pets
In search of permanence and longevity
For realizing your transitory presence
In search of happiness and optimism
For sustaining your losing hope
In search of aim and objective
For forging your feeble spirit
In search of vim and vigor
For bolstering your fading enthusiasm
In search of courage and resolve
For restoring your wavering faith
In search of rectitude and wisdom
For steering your fallacious judgment
In search of life and freedom
For liberating your bridled being
In search of birth and start
For researching your elapsed time
In search of soul and solace
For appeasing your troubled self<
In search of yourself and nothing
For returning your lost track
In search of me and everything
For baring your Mother Nature
You did.
Did I ever blame you...
When you plucked the beautiful blossoms from my bosom
When you crushed the abundant greens under your feet
When you erased my lush green covers and burnt them for your joy and warmth
When you shaved my skin and turned it into an aesthetic lawn
When you demolished my parts to erect your edifices
When you uprooted my embellishments for your fancy furnishings
When you dug in me to pave way for your mobility
When you carved passages out of me for your explorations
When you imposed your colossal designs of architecture upon my chest
When you filled me with the obsolete rot of your creations
When you defiled my airs and waters with smoke and waste
When you changed the status of species from ‘enjoying life’ to ‘extinct’
No, I didn’t.
It hurt and it still does. But I uttered naught.
I don't keep account of your countless deeds.
All I earnestly ask is
Why you did what you did the way you did it?