Manoj GS

Abstract Drama Romance


Manoj GS

Abstract Drama Romance

Hey Woman

Hey Woman

2 mins

Hey woman, listen, whatz up?

You are pretty and smart the way I like

Stirring emotions in me with just the look in your eyes

Who am I to define you?

Nor do I want to refine you

You are unique and know thyself

Ignorantly blissful emotionally stressful

Carefree like the eagle in the sky

Sleep is your friend, don't worry just fly

Don't leave subtle messages in the open

Address less they are bound to get lost

When you are tapping the midbrain

Process information grain by grain

People around are observing you

Reading the trail of messages you leave behind

Don't carry assumptions along

Speak your mind before moving on

You think you are right, so does everyone, alright

Compassionate and good at heart

Don't be fooled by the smart


Your conscience helps you Glow

With a soul that never lets you foul

Wildlife has you to their rescue

Ever wished it happened to you!!

Vegetables and fruits are not on your menu

Consuming junk food is not the right avenue

Absent minded and hasty, people say you are

Patient and sweet at times you can be

You are not attached to materials in life

This could lead to unwanted rife

There is a side to your anger and ego

Not to have you must be a human Lego

On various occasions, I have seen you excited

This nice side is your alter ego

Celebrate and enjoy your birth

Cos no one has a definite role to play

You are complicated you are fussy

That's what makes you a woman to be


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