Loss of innocence. Loss of innocence.
Night and clouds Go slow with the flow. Night and clouds Go slow with the flow.
Your aura, your spirit, fulfills my every need. Into the soul, you have planted your seed. Your aura, your spirit, fulfills my every need. Into the soul, you have plan...
"Thinking of the times that I should’ve told, “You know, I always had a thing for you.” "Thinking of the times that I should’ve told, “You know, I always had a thing fo...
"The moment our eyes met, his eyes told me something. Something, I couldn't decipher." "The moment our eyes met, his eyes told me something. Something, I couldn't deci...
Bracts deceived her, As they professed to be petals of A winsome flower. Bracts deceived her, As they professed to be petals of A winsome flower.