Love Or Infatuation?
Love Or Infatuation?

Night and clouds
Go slow with the flow.
I am here with you
In the night with the glow.
Hand in the hand
And smile on the face
I started falling for you
Or my nerves getting low.
Staring to the world
And stealing eyes from you
Amazed on the fact
That I am with you.
This night and the clouds
Are flying with me
And the breath in my heart
Making my mind to blow.
I am flying ve
ry high
And freezing in the snow.
Feeling of your touch
Made my tears
Rolled down
To the floor.
Wishing the moment
Get on hold for now
So that I could get
A little more of you.
Gleams of the sunshine
Irritated the eyes
It was morning all alone
And sky was smoky rose.
Realised with the fact
It was dream with you
Asking from myself
Is this love
Or infatuation for you?