Only If You Hold Me Back

Only If You Hold Me Back

1 min

I can not beg you

To love me back

As I never wanted

To be the one

Who gets shattered

When you left.

I owe you

To give me light


I never wanted to hold you

Through tears of my eyes.

I have freed you

From my dreams

I have stopped looking

At any positive beam.

I have opened my hands

Rather hold you tight.

And smiled with you

And let you go

For your choice.

I would be happy to

Fight with my demon


And kill the hope of light

But I would never ask you

To come back into my life.

I would care for you forever

Even when we will not be together

For me, you will always be mine

Till the moon is dark

And the sun keeps its shine.

I promised myself

Only if you hold me back

Will come to you

Even if I have to

Fight with my fate.

But I can't beg you

To love me back.

As I never wanted to be the one

Who gets shattered

When you left.

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