Susmita Banik



Susmita Banik


The Day I Spoke To My City

The Day I Spoke To My City

1 min

My city laughs,

When she sees her beautiful urchins, playing by the Ganges.

An occasional plunge into the river and that mischievous smile,

Bringing solace to her mind, propping her for the next day.

My city smiles,

Thinking about her free-spirited brats,

Running haywire for humanity, for fun,

Uplifting the spirit, she bore.

My city is perturbed,

For her countless inhabitants.

How will they make the two ends meet,

Endure the wrath of nature and what is yet to come?

My city grieves.

Bereaved by th

e demise of her children.

The loss of the breadwinners,

And the grey-haired veterans.

My city cries,

For lawlessness has not halted.

Humanity is lost somewhere in her age-old backyard… 

And so is her namesake – Joy!

My city sees hope,

When her children wait for their Mother,

Meticulously planning for one year,

Waiting for just those five days.

My city is waiting for her delightful children,

To welcome them with open hearts,

And her serene smile,

To tell them the story of her survival.

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