I Know You Don’t Need Me Anymore
I Know You Don’t Need Me Anymore

I know you don't need me anymore
Even after you swore that you'd stay
You left me anyway
Because you were a whore ,
Who gave me thousands of hopes for turning this play into future
And finally when the future was near you were no more
I am tired of striving for love
Driving for your love
No matter where destiny takes us
I know life won’t let me survive
But your escape will be my might to revive
Thank you for the pain you gave me
>I am now sailing in an unknown sea
Away from you
Setting you free
Hoping to throw away my heart’s key
Hope your heart won the long-awaited trophy
Skipping all the moments of rosy
You finally moved towards the shades of smoky
Missing on the best of snowy
Where you can never again feel cozy
Because my boat will depart away from your sight wholly
But thanks for not leaving me totally
And gifting me those fake promises and hope of your’s being mine.