A Noble Heart
A Noble Heart

A lover can buy love peddled like a soda effervescent
And gift it glibly to a bubbly bunny with feelings nascent.
Deed done, departs rapidly with a freewheeling flourish...
At Dawn, the lassie, laconic, sees a Night's dream vanish--
A wide-eyed doe, dourly, realizes how her will was bent!
Her vow to chastity forgotten, untempered emotions uncaged
At Noon, recalls how a slick love-drama comes to be staged:
Trap adroitly the weak flesh hos
ting a weakened resolve;
The rake beguiling her to be only too willing to serve
His fetishes till satiation - in a scheme enticingly laid.
Yet, in her ruminative state, she let her thoughts chastise
Her own actions for her noble heart was one without malice--
Enabling it to overcome unscathed an encounter fugacious
And forgive, generously, provocations, however, audacious--
Charmingly indulgent, even imbruing her life with some spice..