My Muse
My Muse

1 min

You, who inspired the condensed clouds
To rain in words,
Made poetry my ever foaming sea,
I name you my muse.
You, who carried me beyond
Alphabets, morphemes and hieroglyphs,
Thoughts and memories,
I name you my muse.
You, the golden bird of Byzantium,
An unageing Grecian urn,
Hippocrene of Mt. Helicon,
I name you my muse.
You, who pressed me
To etch the soul into verses,
To be healed by words ,
I name you my muse.
You, my personal Sirius
To whom I turn to on New Moon nights,
My Marauder's map,
I name you my muse.
You, my clear blue skies,
My purple torrential rivers,
Who made me arrest love in words,
I name you my muse.
For you when I dance to the waves
Of my 2 a.m. gamma rays,
Or weep during my PMSing days,
I name you my love!