
The eighth day of the month, observed you in white and black attire, carrying a file in your hand, relaxing on the couch,
In front of my eyes,
I was totally hypnotised,
My heart sent signals to my soul, that she is the one, and I started praying for you,
all I needed was, your friend to be,
Even for a time, very few.
The next day, somehow we found each other together, in the same team,
But who knew, on my fun you would scream,
I told myself, it’s okay, give her some time,
And sooner or later, she will be mine.
We started a chat, humorous and light,
The only thing on my mind was you,
At its height,
I am mischievous, I bother a lot, were some of the accolades you gave me,
I grinned and laughed and asked myself,
"Will she ever understand me?".
I shared everything with you and somethings, even you did, It was good to see you behave like a kid.
Days crawled by, our conversations turned into calls but all I was vulnerable about the friendship to fall,
Which ultimately did because of some reasons, but I was wrong and I agree to it,
Move ahead and be glad, it was a good lesson.
Things evolved too fast,
I conveyed you my emotions,
“I have never been into such friendship”, you said and hearing to this, all I went into was recovering,
Affirming the truth that she cannot be mine, maybe because our poles are distinct, even though they both shine.
Every time,
I did something for you, I don’t know why,
You didn’t talk about it, even for a moment so few,
Is it that y
ou didn’t like it or is it that you loved it very much or is it that you didn’t have the heart to tell me,
Because all you wanted was a friend in me.
I addressed letters to you, saving time, specifically for you,
And all you said was, why you do all this for me, don’t do it please,
I didn’t do all this because you are just my friend,
I consider you as one of the most valuable souls in my life,
And that is a fact, dearest friend.
I adore you, I cherish you, I care for you at my level fittest,
But you don’t see it, maybe you never underwent such things and all I could tell myself is that,
Someday she will ask herself
"Did I do right, never appreciating his friendship so great?"
After reading that mail from you,
I was completely comfortable and stunned,
That even she can write so good, but she never wrote to me, were all my gifts burned?
I don’t think so, I told myself,
She is not a person who will do this,
All I know is that you need some time,
And there again, you will be mine.
Just like you tell me, your life is narrowed to some people and you talk just to them,
So put me at your place, and then think, ain’t I doing the same,
For me, my life is confined to you and I talk only to you,
Can’t you give me time, even in minutes, maybe a few?
It’s okay, springs, everything appears for the good, still, you are the best for me,
But I crave to annul the evil, if I could,
If you ever feel that, whatever I did, was something for you,
You are just a call away, and I’ll be there for you.