Curfew Time
Curfew Time
It all starts with murmurs
Occasionally floating in traffic jams
You're forced to be a part of
Cause your usual route
Suddenly becomes the zone
Of terror,
Where saviours turned devils overnight
Wait for you to overstep their orders
And teach you a lesson of a lifetime...
Wonder what a lathi can do?
See it in control of authorities/
*Coughs* bullies
To tame the dogs that are us,
Maniacally demanding answers
And not justice, cause our masters won't allow
On the land that we call our nation
And to be beaten to death eventually...
Guns are banned, sure
Who needs that when we have triggers of our own!
Wonder what drunk with power democracy can do?
Leave for work in the middle of the day
<p>And if you're lucky and God is kind,
You return in one piece home...
We all know who that God is!
Wonder what a voice can do?
Don't look at Greta Thunberg
Being bullied by disdainful words of those in power
Ask people thrashed in masses for being students
Of a University that "promotes" protests
Students who weren't a part of it
Students who didn't cause it
Students who didn't care a damn about it.
In conclusion
Our master is angry for suffering this backlash
So they picked pillars of democracy in their own mighty hands
Until their dogs learn to become docile again
How did we end up here, let's not get into that
They are our gods, their wish is our command
Accept all laws enslaving our minds
Not a word, or God won't be kind!