Yes, it is true.
There will be days when you are shattered,
pieces all lost. Gone.
When you don't even have a reason to try finding them.
But... you must remember...
Somewhere, someone...
Still wants you found. Needs you found.
Try finding those shards for them.
Yes, it is true.
There will be days with no light. Just darkness.
You in a dark, dark void. Just emptiness.
This Macabre growing on you. must remember....
Somewhere, someone...
Is still holding the torch for you. In hope.
Try to follow the light for them.
Yes, it is true.
You might find yourself in deep abyss.
Away from disgusts called love, care, sympathy..
Deep enough for a soulless automaton. must remember....
Somewhere, someone...
Is waiting on the edge of that deep chasm,
Still hoping to hug you...kiss you.
Waiting for you to come home.
Try to love yourself for them.
Yes, it is true.
There wil
l be days when you shut your ears.
Basking in the silent cacophony of your thoughts
Punishing yourself for crimes you didn't commit. must remember....
Somewhere, someone...
Still wants to sing for you. Wants you to listen, to know... that you aren't alone.
Try to listen...for them.
And yes, it is also true,
That there will be days with the perfect breeze, amazing coffee, lovely company and your favourite songs..... mingled with laughter, bliss and pure joy.
When you will feel like dancing to the rhythm of some rare, perfect memories.
People will be watching. must remember....
That in those moments, you are to pay no heed to the world.
You must dance to the beats, sing at the top of your voice, laugh as much as you can take.
Because these moments are hard to come by.
Try to cherish them....everytime. Forever.
For these memories are yours...
And only yours.
And all you will have left, when else perish.