Words & Works Save Life

Words & Works Save Life

4 mins

Medicos in India are worried to work in rural

On joining, they forget their pledge, ethics, moral

They want a setting of urban to churn all money

So, they fly to towns with the family to suck honey

Doctors are treated like gods in a country of billion

For them, time is money as their only aim is to earn

Amidst this, they forget one sermon of olden day

God is One, a but doctor is next to Him, all say

Once Dharya was in a similar situation

Was posted in a village at the farthest location

He worked there for fifteen long years

Tolerated his family, with great forbears

Now, his daughter was in a school

No patience Dharya had, often he lost his cool

His wife shouted at him calling him a buffoon

She stopped talking, vowed to leave him alone

He decided to shift to an urban place in a month

But, all efforts went in vain, he was hopeless forth

His wife gave him an ultimatum to quit the job

Gave him a week time, was lost in her cry and sob

The poor one thought to meet the head of all

Before quitting, he would convince him cordial

But, he saw a huge crowd in front of his office

Was on strike for the last ten days ready to sacrifice

A man fell on the floor, losing his senses and mind

The strikers then rushed to him to help in second

As the only doctor, he diagnosed his body casual

Worried for transfer, declared that he was normal

It was his first meet, he was thoughtless there

The strikers were on fast and they looked tired

He ignored them all, ran to the chamber quickly

He had no patience while others stared him angrily

He pleaded for his transfer to his master in power

The Chief nodded his head, denying request sober

He stood as a dumb, as a hopeless prey at last

The officer warned him with his rhetoric blast

He tendered his resignation in response to his call

Resolved in mind, to quit the job, he stamped on marble

A ring on phone of the chief paused the drama a bit

He waved his hand to talk but his anger was fully lit

Like a lizard, he changed his decision after the talk

His face blossomed, widened his mouth with a bulk

His request was granted to get a transfer to a town

Lifted him in joy to celebrate as a new hope sown

The Chief took him to the shouting men in down stair

The sick man was

ill, his body was sweating in fever

Dharya checked his pulse that paced faster and faster

He sucked his mouth, pressed his chest like a God savior

He saved his life, the whole crowd cheered him up

They all clapped and patted him as a holy rescuer

He begged to them to stop the strike with folded hand

Like obliged children they all were ready to mend

Happy was the medico, happier was his family distant

Elated were they, distributed sweets to celebrate

His wife danced and laughed with her smiling tear

He rushed to the Chief’s office to get his relieving order

His joy was temporal like a water bubble

The Chief rejected his application several

He was dejected, held his hands with teary eye

All hopes were lost, all dreams burst, begun to cry

The merciless eagle who fed on his dreams innocent

No mind he had to scold and shout at the Chief in return

But he wanted to know why the Chief mislead and lied

What was his sin for which he was thrice punished?

The head hugged him tight him like a mother

He opened his drawer to show him an office order

All transfers were stopped by the Government

As nobody was ready to join the rural catchment

He also showed him the demand of the striker

Who hailed from the village where Dharya worked before?

No Nurse, No physician have ever joined after his transfer

The place has become a hell for dying children and mother

Many Hundreds have died in the absence of facility

The villagers had no option except protest violently

They wanted Dharya back as their doctor in the village

He could not tell him before as he had no courage

The Man who fell senseless was a villager on fast

Had he denied earlier, Dharya would not have treated first

He lied only to save his life but not for any ulterior motive

He was told the striker had suffered a severe heart attack

As a physician he must serve to the needy and poor

Who could not get the service but deserve it dearer

If not the doctor then who would come to their rescue

They all are proud of him; people would salute him in cue 

A doctor’s life is a godly life that is meant for the others

Neither the humanity would fall sick, would vanish faster

His good words and Dharya’s good works are rays of hope

For the billions in this country, their value is on the top

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