Gaurika Arora

Abstract Inspirational


Gaurika Arora

Abstract Inspirational

A New Day!

A New Day!

1 min

What can I say,

As I welcome the day,

And the sun shines brighter than ever,

Such a beautiful morning view,

People very few,

The day repeats never.

As I step into the light,

And the birds take flight,

And a gentle breeze touches the face,

An excitement tingle through,

To reveal a day so new,

So full of beauty and grace.

I dance to the tune,

Of a summer afternoon,

And the crickets dance along,

So do the beetles and the bees,

And the ducks and the geese,

As the nightingale bursts i

nto a song.

The clock strikes five,

And the evening arrives,

It's time for biscuits and tea,

Back home the birds come,

After having so much fun,

Just the same as me.

After a scrumptious meal at nine,

I am right on time,

For another song before bed,

I sing another note,

One that I wrote,

And into the bed I tred.

It is time to sleep,

So, I can dive deep,

Into dreams entirely my own,

So that I can welcome another day,

Just like today,

When one day more I have grown.

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