Gaurika Arora

Comedy Inspirational


Gaurika Arora

Comedy Inspirational

Dear Teachers

Dear Teachers

1 min

Dear Teachers, 

You remember the day

when I was feeling blue

You came to me and said

hey! what’s up with you

And I said

Oh nothing much

This new chapter is feasting on my brain

Crunch crunch crunch

To which you replied 

Oh that's what's bothering you

That annoying lesson

We had a hard time learning that too

Don't you worry

If that's the snag

To get you out of this pickle

I have just the hack

And how can I forget helping you

To make the annual day props

When you called us in between classes

We loved you lots

The sports teachers too

Deserve a special mention

When on the PA system you announc


May I please have your attention

Please report to the ground

All those participating in matches or races

Oh those golden words

Light up so many faces


I am going to be serious now

The amount of effort you put in for us

It's just wow!

Be it online or offline 

You always gave it your best

And it's because of you

We actually understand the questions in our test

For all those ppts you made

For all those lessons you prepare

For all of your sleepless nights

Please know that we thank you and really care

For some of us

it's our last year here

But all the teachers please remember

To us, you’ll always be dear

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