Who is my friend?
Who is my friend?

I walked past the green fields
Golden grains one day which would yield
Together they grew
The little shoots all so new
I stretched beneath a tree
And looked up at the birds so free
Staying together in a flock
Just like the ships at the dock
I went home at night
When the stars shone bright
Constellation I could see
But none of them like me
For I was one
Backed up by none
I didn't have anyone to call my own
I was alone
I woke up in the
And did my everyday thing
But it was not an every day you see
For I didn't know what today had in store for me
I looked at the ground
What had I found!
Someone had always been with me
Who was for work and tea
Following my steps was a figure so dark
In my eyes, it lit up a spark
Wherever the light touched, it was there
We were one strong pair
It is my shadow you see
That follows me around with glee
Therewith me till the end
It is my best friend