Gaurika Arora

Fantasy Inspirational Children


Gaurika Arora

Fantasy Inspirational Children

How the Coconut Came to Be

How the Coconut Came to Be

2 mins

I once met a poor,

residing in the cold dark moor.

A pile of woods for a house,

with his little children and spouse.

All very kind and modest,

and their behaviour at the best.

Then I saw a rich,

with a wife worse than a witch.

Residing in the busy city,

Both were neither kind nor pretty

Staring at the tele in their big warm house

And fighting for the remote like the cat and the mouse.

So, I decided to test each one of them

Don’t worry, it was not math, history or chem

The test was of character you see

So I invited them all for a cup of tea.

Then I gave them some seeds each

And asked them to plant it at the beach.

They went and found the soil bad

For dry sand was all it had.

I asked them to use their heads,

And turn it into humongous trees or pleasant flower beds.

The poor family was not so poor you know

For they were rich with love that they used to sow


What can I say about the rich twits

Well it's only the description that fits.

They were poor with brains you know,

For they literally used their heads to sow. 

They dug with their heads till they collapsed.

And soon everyone gasped.

For the couple had hair no more

And a bald head they bore.

Then they noticed something new.

There was a tall tree and up it grew.

The leaves were majestic with a crown.

So far up from the ground.

The fruits were peculiar though

It wasn’t like anything they had seen before.

Covered with a rough husk

With a beautiful shade of brown like the dusk.

It bore water so sweet inside

And pulp so delicious and white.

The pulp was the love you see

Of the beautiful family I invited for tea.

And as for the husk it was the hair.

Of the dreadful twits pair.

So this how the coconut grew

The invention of something new.

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