Chef's Delight
Chef's Delight

It was Friday afternoon we got bored of routine food,
So, decided to try paratha, a wheat dish.
We observed the way it got cooked.
All the ingredients were in various vessels, the flour, water, salt, crushed potatoes, spices, and oil.
The water was mixed with the flour, to prepare the batter with the required consistency.
Small components, of the batter, got stuffed with the potato mixture and thin sheets
Were made applying enough pressure with the roller pin.
The pan was heated, with some oil of choice, and the thin paratha got placed on it.
The flame was adjusted accordingly, by ensuring it doesn’t get burnt.
The oil was used as a lubricant by rotating the paratha, so it got cooked evenly with heat.
Finally, we got a tasty paratha accompanied by curd.
Peoples are different each one possesses
different characters,
However, all are required to cook a dish called life.
How is it possible to make paratha, without all these ingredients?
To lead a simple life, employ appreciation, give attention,
Apply authority, share good and bad times, listen and
Be prepared for the adversity by being proactive and organized.
It is about compensating each quality and by being flexible when ingredients in demand.
There is always a choice and sacrifice while choosing the ingredients based on price and quality, no doubt the taste of the dish changes with those choices, but the decision needs to be taken by the chef, as he must satisfy his customers called family.
You are the chef for the dish called life, and others are ingredients that enhance the texture and taste, chose them wisely, not all are required to make a perfect dish.