Fantasy Inspirational
She Wants To ...
Being a human, I am a witness to the world's beauty and pain With a voice that's mine, I have the... Being a human, I am a witness to the world's beauty and pain With a voice tha...
Two hearts entwined in a timeless dance Two hearts entwined in a timeless dance
A sip here and a sip there, Two glasses down the throat... A sip here and a sip there, Two glasses down the throat...
So, let us cherish this hue so warm So, let us cherish this hue so warm
A story that is written on divine pages with the beautiful essence of love and verses. A story that is written on divine pages with the beautiful essence of love and v...
It makes me free, Free from fake smiles, Free from judgments It makes me free, Free from fake smiles, Free from judgments
As if by magic her wish came true And Beast, his boar hide with horns As if by magic her wish came true And Beast, his boar hide with horns
On this day, he saw a man sitting alone, desolate, in despair. He felt the man’s pain; his utter dej... On this day, he saw a man sitting alone, desolate, in despair. He felt the man’s...
He knows the Angels are the demons really...Not him He knows the Angels are the demons really...Not him
Could you take them both A basket up to heaven? Could you take them both A basket up to heaven?
And the girl walked off towards the rising sun. And the girl walked off towards the rising sun.
Once an arrow Of a land named Gloop Once an arrow Of a land named Gloop
Let me settle in body and mind in strong winds Let me settle in body and mind in strong winds
And true meaning of the enchanted Christmas Flower. And true meaning of the enchanted Christmas Flower.
And the waves of the sea Came gushing forth And the waves of the sea Came gushing forth
Obstacles are a part of life's way indeed Obstacles are a part of life's way indeed
With the magic horse, shoes dipped in gold wherefore let us be grateful! With the magic horse, shoes dipped in gold wherefore let us be grateful!
Backward I headed without looking at the shrine, without looking at the shrine. Backward I headed without looking at the shrine, without looking at the shrine.
Pennies granting wishes Fell inside this magic well Pennies granting wishes Fell inside this magic well
With a finger across his lips Like a pan pipe of Krishna’s peace With a finger across his lips Like a pan pipe of Krishna’s peace