She Wants To ...
Because we the Humans are the grandest creature on this Earth. It is meaningless to fight for new id... Because we the Humans are the grandest creature on this Earth. It is meaningless...
"Hold on! I come to save the world afar"; "Hold on! I come to save the world afar";
The train moves past alone in the dark open sky with far off stars. The train moves past alone in the dark open sky with far off stars.
The poem shows contradictions in nature. The poem shows contradictions in nature.
Beneath the moon's glow, a blanket unfurls, Soft whispers of winter, enchanting the world. Beneath the moon's glow, a blanket unfurls, Soft whispers of winter, enchanting...
On his day, he unfurls the tricolor in blood, sweat and unbearable pain. On his day, he unfurls the tricolor in blood, sweat and unbearable pain.
Through valleys deep and mountains high, His quest for truth would never die. Through valleys deep and mountains high, His quest for truth would never die.
This poem is about a person being suffered from silent treatment from the person he loves. This poem is about a person being suffered from silent treatment from the person...
Make the tiny animals our family, make the air fresh with love, resolve to redeem. Make the tiny animals our family, make the air fresh with love, resolve to redee...
Petrichor is the smell of the soil after it rains on parched Earth. It soothes the soul. Petrichor is the smell of the soil after it rains on parched Earth. It soothes t...
The story shows that life is not about living. The story shows that life is not about living.
Its evil, which steals the most precious gift Its evil, which steals the most precious gift
Tough and fragile, weak, and easily hurt, dishonest, and ever-changing. Tough and fragile, weak, and easily hurt, dishonest, and ever-changing.
Where all you can do is walk silently through the last moments till you reach rethink stop. Where all you can do is walk silently through the last moments till you reach re...
Am I the doer of either good or bad, OR am I responsible for whatever I do Am I the doer of either good or bad, OR am I responsible for whatever I do
You gave your life for, by mankind broken, You gave your life for, by mankind broken,
Through sleepless nights and weary days, She guides us through life's winding maze. Through sleepless nights and weary days, She guides us through life's winding m...
inspite of all my flaws Inspite all my odds inspite of all my flaws Inspite all my odds
The poem shows that life is the longest journey to the passage of heaven. The poem shows that life is the longest journey to the passage of heaven.
Words as plain as one wishes the obstacles to be, Words as plain as one wishes the obstacles to be,