Sai Chander

Comedy Horror Thriller


Sai Chander

Comedy Horror Thriller

Seven Views of Turning to a Zombie

Seven Views of Turning to a Zombie

4 mins

On a main street of Hyderabad, a person wearing leather Jacket, professional Shoes, Jeans, and carrying a laptop in a leather laptop bag was walking on a nicely made footpath. All of a sudden he stops and for nearly 3 hours he will be in a halt position like that on a very sunny time. A shopkeeper notices it and walks towards him and tries to talk with him but he does not respond so he touches him then he suddenly reacts as a shock and felt like woke up. "Shopkeeper asks what happened", he said nothing and starts walking away.

He keeps walking for an hour and he felt a little dizzy and needed to eat something. He smells Chicken nearby and goes to that place and shows, pointing finger and asks the shopkeeper I need that. The Shopkeeper wonders and replies 100/- per plate for Chicken Manchuria. The person replies again I need that then Shopkeeper gets frightened as his eyes were red, saliva was flowing from his mouth and he was acting weird. The Shopkeeper gives a plate and calls the cops. A constable arrived and asks the guy, why have you not paid for your food, you seem well dressed and you should have money in your wallet. For that, he replies where is money, then Constable wonders and grabs his wallet from the pocket, takes out a 500, and returns the wallet to his hand. Then the man walks away with the wallet on his hand. 

After an hour of walk again he starts starving for food, now he doesn't see any chicken nearby because he is on a highway already. Nearby a toll booth is there. He goes nearby the booth and asks a person in Car for food. The car guy looks with wonder and gives away remaining food. The guy just eats the food in a jiffy. Car guy gets frightened, then the zombie guy looks back seat where in a mother and small kid was sitting.

The car guy was more frightened, all of a sudden the guy starts to growl which made the car guy more frightened, immediately he closes the car window. The guy was started drooling all over the car window, the car guy calls the cops and he takes the car towards the back and hit another car for which the back car got damaged in the front bumper. The back car guy gets out of the car, the zombie guy looks towards the back car guy. The back car guy was very frightened with the sudden look of the zombie guy and he sits back in the car. He comes towards the back car and stares at him, the toll opens and left. In the meanwhile he got attention from a lot of people nearby. He then sees a small stray puppy. He goes to it and starts to cuddle it, everybody thought he is a normal guy all of a sudden he rips out the head from the puppy and starts eating it. Everybody nearby was very frightened very much that the police got pouring number of calls. By the time police reached he finished eating it. All his mouth was covered with blood and the remains of the dog was beside it. It started stinking in there. By looking at his attire the police were also frightened and first they covered his face with a rice bag so that he won't bite. Then they cuff him and keep him in a van alone and they all adjust in the front two sets of seats and left

This is the initial story of a Zombie guy who is suffering from Zombie in the first stage of the total 7 stages. This is the first view and from the people's view. The next view will be from the one who turns into Zombie, in that how he turns Zombie is shown. There are a total of 7 views in the story.

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