Sai Chander

Tragedy Action Crime


Sai Chander

Tragedy Action Crime



4 mins

The story is about a 17-year-old nerd Mahir, who is already disappointed with the Justice system in India and started looking for alternative justice systems. The reason for disappointment is his elder sister who was gang-raped and murdered 5 years back by some reputed family kids who were protected due to their reach with Government, Politicians, and money. The five culprits are grown up and now settled well in other countries. However, they have still no remorse and feel it is a funny incident. They gather sometimes and enjoy the conversations about how that happened. One of them recorded and kept posting it in porn where only the girl's face was shown, and the boys' faces were covered up showing only their private parts. For some insane people, it looked so erotic that they keep watching repeatedly. Due to this video which keeps uploading repeatedly after being taken out by the intervention of Mahir his life has become a hell. He made a career to take the video down and look for it on all the porn websites. The video used to show up every few hours with a different proxy every time and untraceable who uploaded it. Fed up with this and the culprits Mahir chooses a different path to end the situation. He decides to kill them all. He made a pact with his grandfather to kill all 5 of them within a year no matter where they are.  


Since all 5 of them fled the country and lived in the USA, he wanted to reach them and kill them all. Grandfather sold the ancestral property and gave all one crore rupees to Mahir, Mahir was poor in studies so he paid for a degree certificate from a reputed institute and also paid for a good seat in a reputed institute in the USA. As soon as he reach there, he spied through a spy company on one of the Culprit for nearly two months and found that they gather at one of the culprit's places once in a while. He used the same spy company to arrange some weapons and paid heavily. They agreed to help him avenge his sister's death. The next gathering day he just showed up before them and introduced himself as the brother of the girl victim. The culprits were shaken and started abusing him and asked why he come.  


A black guy showed up and said “leave him alone and let him complete the conversation.” Mahir, just said “there is no more talking. These guys do not have any remorse and don’t deserve to live so let's just kill and leave.” One of the culprits tries to go inside to get a gun. He was shot by the Black guy on the foot. The others panicked and started running, the black guy shot up and said “nobody will leave the place”. Mahir p

icked up the gun from a black guy and shot them all. The shots were recorded by the black guy and uploaded to the same porn website covering Mahir's face. Then the Black guy and Mahir just left the place by leaving gas open and throwing grenades before leaving. Mahir returned home with the leftover money. However, he now has contact with the renowned mafia in the world and wants to use it for wise purposes.  


So, he started looking for the person who is uploading his sister's video on a porn website. With the help of the Mafia and some hackers, they were able to track him. They amputated his legs and told him if you want to live, his remaining life should be uploading the shots video and his leg amputated video to be shown every single day in as many Porns as possible. The day you missed it, you will be killed by our Mafia team.  


He started looking in newspapers for gangrapes approached the victim's family anonymously and used to give them hints to kill the culprits rather than going by our Justice system. Some used to call him back and ready to pay the money. He found the crypto way to tackle the business. He named his company name, the altJustice. He recruited several teams for investigations, spies, and mafia in several countries to kill rape or gang rape culprits, child or women abusers only. Some people used to show up to report their loss of monetary funds to altJustice. altJustice did not care about them and straight away refused to do it. On the other hand they chased the victims who lost their beloved or going through a tough phase and always offered justice as they want.  


altJustice started getting crypto money voluntarily from several anonymous people and organizations to continue their deeds. Reports started around the world that some people were dying mysteriously and were tagged with altJustice logo. Police were unable to trace altJustice and how they were able to kill around the world.  


There were some organizations formed by wealthy people to track altJustice but it was all a black hole and they never succeed to find. Within a year lakhs of people were reported dead under mysterious circumstances. This gave shivers to everyone doing misdeeds and a lot of people mend their ways by touching anyone or making inappropriate behavior. Abductions, Trafficking in several countries were halted and came to an end. altJustice flourished well through the years, although controversies raked in, that never stopped killing.  



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