Yashwant Kothari



Yashwant Kothari


Ram Laxman and Viswamithra

Ram Laxman and Viswamithra

3 mins

Ram was worshiping lord Shiv and shakti in his personal palace, where Laxman was also present, actually Laxman was like his shadow; where ever Ram there is Laxman. Ram completed his worship took some more time for meditation and yoga .After that he took some break- fast with Laxman . Laxman said-bhaiya, should we go for hunting ,many days have passed we have not gone to forest for hunting, before Ram could reply a servant came in and said-king is in his court and want to see you; Ram at once started, Laxman also accompanied him. 

Ram is a tall handsome boy with a pleasant personality, his face was glorious, his eyes like a lotus, his hairs well combed wearing royal dress, but without any kind of war weapons, he look very calm, silent and innocent he entered the king’ court slowly but with full confidence, where as Laxman entered in the court with a bit hurry and enthusiasm. First of all Ram touched the feet of his father , his mother, his kulguru(family-teacher) ,than to Viswamitra than to all others present. He smelled his head with love and affection, so did the queen.Vashishth and Viswamitra blessed him.Laxman did the same. After he had been blessed by mother Kosalya and by the family priest , by vedic richas king handed over Ram to Viswamitra with a delighted mind. 

Ram and Laxman started their journey with great sage Viswamitra ,a delightful breeze started blowing, people of Ayodhya were very happy to see the movement of Ram and Laxman with Viswamitra to -wards forest to kill the raksasas .They showered flower petals on them, the whole road was full of petals. They moved on.Viswamitra walked in the van, Ram adorned with side locks and armed with a bow , next to him was Laxman equipped with quivers, bow in his hands, the ten directions were illuminated. Ram and Laxman along with sage Viswamitrareached the southern bank of great river Saryu ,the sage asked Ram and Laxman to sip a little water from the river there after the rishi gave them the great mantra of bala (power)and atibala(absolute power) , by virtue of these mantra you will never fall ill you will remain young, your loveliness will remain as such, none on earth will equal you in prowess of arms, you are jewel among men on this universe you will not feel hunger and thrust. Ram sipped the holy water of Saryu river and chanted the bala an atibala mantras as directed by the sage, the night came all took rest but Laxman remained awake for the security. 

Ram and Laxman were on the bank of the river doing worships to Surya , daily exercises , yoga and practice of war fare. Vashvamitra came and gave certain directions to them regarding how to fight with the rakshsas , asurs and how to make a war with them , he also explained to his pupils how to win the war ,how to frame a war complex circle . He also gave them some special arms and told them about nuclear war , how to check the nuclear war.

He also told them regarding various types of powers the rakshasa have and how to cope with these powers. Sage told them the importance of peace also but warned them the way in which war is won by the rakshshas.

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