Lord Krishna Prarabdha
Lord Krishna Prarabdha

Lord Krishna who had created such a historical war in the name of dharma yudha with the help of pandavas without using arrows or bow .
He had used sudarsan chhakkra but not to kill any warrior but he has protected Pandavas always from dangers using sudarsan chakkra hiding sun setting during Jaithratha death again protecting Subhadra's son in her womb from Brahmastra. At last Dhrutarastra is seeing the killing, death of his hundred sons one by one in the battle field who sacrificed their lives for the stubbornness of Duryodhana's shrewdness or desires to kill Pandavas always. How the ambitions, imprudence, greediness, selfishness of Dhrutarastra with the excessive attachment for his sons whom he wanted to be the successor of royal dynasty that due to his blindness Dhrutarastra had lost it once. He had attachment for royal throne which he did not want to give up to his nephews pandavas. His weakness created rivalry, insecurity in the minds of Kauravas from the childhood. The bitter truth of our religious epics, which we must know. All hindus should know what is the essence of mahabharat war. I want to explain the details which we can perceive in our superior part of conscience or highest ethics, moralism we define as our holy book "Bhagwat Gita" acknowledges it, the concept of dharma and adharma. This is the war of dharma yudha, battle of religious crisis.
One war in tragedy, tragedy in the sense we were killing our own kith and kin daily during mahabharat war. What Krishna showed in his biswarupa that every worrier mingles inside his supreme soul like this millions of souls mingle in his supreme abode. Lives are going inside his body and again they are taking birth in due course of time. Souls never destroyed or perished. Battle of mahabharat is a dilemma, conflict in our earthly passion desires attachments. The whole war or events were created by supreme God which lord Krishna declared as he is not attached with karmas (actions) nor he is th
e creator of karmas (actions) Neither he is prarabdha, previous karmas nor he is the cause of karmas. He never enjoys the consequences of karmas(actions).
Human beings suffer for the consequences of their actions good and bad both. Desires create actions. Good desires create good actions, bad desires create bad actions. Desires provoke good or bad actions, even if man takes sanyasa but he is bound with actions like begging alms to live. Thoughts provoking actions or thinking process never stop to work. Human being is the superior intelligent rational race among all animals. In the human life man can get salvation which is the superior or ultimate goal of an human life in this birth of precious human's life. Man takes 86 lakhs of births in an evolutionary process of getting one human life . Man can get salvation if he tries his best to achieve salvation or mokhya. It is one continuous process of detachment from earthly passions or attachment in surrendering to the supreme abode, it is said during the death of one human being if he concentrates or aims at the thought of lord Krishna forgetting all attachments of his own kith and kin then definitely he achieves to salvation or mokhya or nirbanna being freed from all earthly passions or bondage to be liberated from earthly life, he gets the celestial heavenly body or supreme abode to enter in 'param dham Baikuntha dham' where the delicate earthly body or desires never get rebirth in the earth. Salvation or eternity persists in Baikuntha param brahma rupam. If the restless mind desires more then mind never liberates from earthly attachments of his own kith and kins, if he desires more for rebirth then he gets that type of life again, even one should not get any anger or revenge or aversion or greediness on any person at the time of his death leaving the earth. This may create one more birth of revenge or enmity in the next birth. Vices and virtues have lost their meaning or significance in due course of time or yuga.