Little Learnings!
Little Learnings!

This was the time when my daughter completed her Playgroup and Nursery in a pre-school and it was the time to decide whether we should continue in the same school for her Jr. KG or change the school.
I remember me and my husband had visited almost all the schools in our city and found out all the possible details required. In those months we had become an encyclopedia about the schools in our city and could even write a thesis and seek our Ph.D. degrees.
I always thought, my college admission was a big decision about my education but this research and decision proved to be much more important and sensitive. It was important to know the details as all that we required from a school was our child’s safety, hygiene and good people in both teaching and non-teaching staff. We didn’t want schools who make my child a bookworm or a scholar or score the highest grade, but we just wanted schools who treat children like children and not machines, computers or toys. We knew this was a difficult task but we tried to at least find the relevant one from a whole lot of commercial institutions of education
Finally, we decided a school and as per the fashion nowadays they also had an interview arranged for the child. We didn’t believe in this concept but had no choic
e. My daughter knew all the alphabets, numbers up to 100 and she was fairly good in the basic conversations in English and the “Myself” questions as she had already completed her Playgroup and Nursery.
As parents usually teach their younger ones the basic good manners, little poetries, eating habits, we also taught these to our little toddler.
The day came when we had to go for the interview. I did explain everything about the new school and the teacher may her few basic things. She agreed and we both were happy and none of us were nervous or tensed.
The school office was on the first floor. We both were talking about the new school and observing the premises as we were climbing the stairs. When we were just three steps away, suddenly something clicked her and she said that she will not talk, greet or wish the new teacher and she will not even reply to the questions if the teacher asks something.
I asked her if she is afraid and what the reason is for such a decision. I assured that I will sit beside her and there is no need to be nervous. She quietly said that she is not afraid of anything. She replied, “Mamma, you always say I should not talk to strangers. I do not know whether this aunty is my teacher or not. So, I should not talk to her!”