Divya Bist

Abstract Inspirational Children


Divya Bist

Abstract Inspirational Children

Confession Of A Mother In Pandemic!!!

Confession Of A Mother In Pandemic!!!

3 mins

Sacrifice is the beauty of motherhood - it’s the moral of the story of being a Mom. We, moms often heard and read this phrase, in fact when someone asks us about motherhood, this is the first feeling that crosses our minds! Right?? Yes, Indeed!

In these tough times, when Pandemic hit us very badly from each direction, being a mom I feel like, I am in the initial days of my motherhood. Sleep-deprived, frustrated, yearning for a little bit of #Metime. 

With kids locked with us at home, online classes, lil ones who needs attention each hour and we can’t get any help from outside, we do feel overwhelmed many times. 

However, in the last few days, reading about motherhood articles and got to know about others experience, I wasn’t alone to suffer through this anxiety. 

Here I really would like to share the confessions of a tired, frustrated and exhausted mom! 

I do allow my kids to watch TV so that I can get few mins of peaceful rest or sometimes I put on my earphones and listen to my music, which calms my mind. Yes, I do! 

I let their room be messy from morning till evening. No matter how much you cleaned it up, it will come again to its aura for being a kids room. So I give it a final cleaning before going to bed. Yes, I do!

I let my boys do sweeping and mopping the whole house over the weekends. It teaches them to know the hard work to stay clean and I do get help and rest. Yes, I do. 

I make plans for varieties and lavish dinner for Saturday evenings, but end up only making Khichdi or sometimes quick Maggi recipe to enjoy with the Kids. Yes, I do! 

My little one watches TV during his mealtime. I know it’s a terrible habit but when you are tired enough to run after your kid with a spoonful, I find it better to do. Yes, I do! 

Tasked with taking care of the house and juggling many responsibilities, we mothers are often left exhausted and doing anything from the above points doesn’t make us a bad mom! Of course, Not!

We mothers are really overwhelmed and carrying a heavy load in this tough phase. 

So let’s pause ourselves. Take a break & a deep breath. Let’s get over this guilt. Only a Happy Mother can bring Happiness to her home!!

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