"And That's How I Lost My Shoes"
"And That's How I Lost My Shoes"

"Yesterday, after school, I headed directly to my aunt's house. Few hours later, she bid me farewell and I commenced my way back home. It was around 7.30 pm then. After few steps, I started feeling the heaviness of my school bag. Varying its weight from one shoulder to the other, I was staggering through the streets. I had to take left from there. Since, there was a construction of new road, I had to take another way to head back home. That is where the trouble began...
I was not familiar with those streets since I was new to this town. I should have asked those nearby shopkeepers for route. I don't know what I had in mind then. I took the alternate path and walked leisurely as if I knew the map of the whole town. I took random lefts and rights. After the last right visible to me. I ended up in a huge vacant land. In the dim light I saw a black figure approaching me in the distance. I traced my way back as far as I could remember and ended up somewhere else. I realised I was lost. The place where I stood then was completely deserted. So I had to knock at random doors to ask for help. But something awaited me before that.
It felt awkward for me to knock at stranger's doors. I thought of other ways. But none occurred to me. I looked at my surroundings to pick up some idea. There was a tap kept for public use. It was leaking. I went near to wash my face and think of something with clarity. While reaching the tap, I saw the same black figure at the end of the street. The street lamps started flickering and went off. It was total darkness. I could see nothing. I turned round and round. I felt myself pulled back by someone. I pushed him/her away and stood at the same place. I thought he was trying to attack me. I kept my bag down to move at ease. Amidst the darkness, I decided to reach the gate of nearby house and call someone for help. Since, I was turning here and there, I didn't know which side I was facing. I moved as slowly as I could. Ready to hit someone when I touch them. Suddenly, I slid and fell into a slope. I felt something quickly move beside me. That creeped the hell out of me. I was terrified. I got goosebumps from that thing rushing past me in that darkness. I heard my heart beat. I felt my pant becoming wet. It was then I realised, I had fallen into the pit in which the public water tap was constructed. I closed my eyes for a second and calmed myself. Slowly, I stood up. Lights came. I climbe
d out of the pit and washed my face and wounds. That man/woman who pulled me was nowhere to be found. I went and stood beside my bag which lay on the ground. It became clear to me that, the man/woman was actually trying to pull me from falling into the pit. I felt ashamed. Then I began searching for the thing which frightened me; which rushed past me. Saving my efforts, it revealed itself before me with its companions. There were four. Two of it barked at me and came forward. I took few steps back. I bent down and acted as if taking a stone. They gave no reaction. Taken aback by their response, I stood upright and took few more steps back. Their eyes terrorised me. Despite knowing the fact that one must not run infront of dogs, I started running to get away from them. My decisions were severely questioned that day. They began chasing me. I looked back to see my position. They were gaining on me. I also saw my unattended bag. Lights went off again. The chase was put to an halt. I was ready to run as soon as lights came. But it was too late.
Air was dense. There was an awful silence. I could hear the growling of those beasts. I was surrounded. Their eyes gleamed green in the darkness. I gathered courage to fight back. Thank god, they didn't attack me all at once. I was just swaying my hands and legs as fast as I could. I felt them getting hit a few times. However, one of those managed to get hold of my foot. It tightened its grip. I felt its teeth. I removed my shoe and let it go. I got an idea then. I removed the remaining shoe and took it in my hand. Turning my head violently and focusing on a target, I threw it at those green eyes. I shouted as loud as I could evoking the beast in me. I felt them backing off. I shouted again. Noticing the noise, resident of a nearby house flashed light at me and inspected what was happening. In the dim light, I saw one dog gripping my shoe in its teeth. Another dog was limping away from me. I guess my throw must have hit its leg. That stranger came out and bent down acting as if picking a stone. The dogs ran away. What the hell! I did the same thing too. With his help, I went back and took my abandoned bag. That dog took my shoe with it. I couldn't find the other one in the darkness. He called my parents and my awful adventure came to an end... And that's how I lost my shoes," as I finished telling my answer to my friend who asked where my shoes were.