What My Soul Desires
What My Soul Desires
When my soul understood :
The stark realities,
Awesome responsibilities
Of worldly life,
A process to undergo and enter a human body,
Again and again for its atonement
Facing the hazards of life,
It stunned and felt awestruck!
"What a queer system is designed by the Almighty? ", My soul thought deeply,
My soul became inquisitive and penetrative
To unravel its mystery of identity,
It ransacked the holy scriptures of the Hindus like the Vedas and Upanishads
To ascertain its real identity,
My soul came to know that it's eternal,
Immortal, unborn and capable enough for enjoying unbounded peace and pleasure,
But alas! It has been vitiated entering the
Physical body forgetting the mission of life,
The mind, heart, intellect, ego and all senses have misguided and played treachery with it,
My soul is residing in a perishable home which is temporary,
It has forgotten its real abode, the true father
And eternal peace and pleasure,
The mortal physical body made out of nature must perish away,
And my soul, being eternal and divine
Will desert my body one day,
A horrendous crime, I have committed
Forgetting the Almighty during my short stay,
My feeling of oneness, mastery and ownership on the body,
My feeling of all belongingness to materialistic wealth and pleasure,
Shall prove futile and useless
Because my passion at the time of departure shall determine my future but nothing else,
So I desire to meet the Great Soul (Paramatma )purifying myself,
Casting aside all mundane pleasures
Through prayer, meditation for self-help,
Oh, my God give me strength enough with all blessings, widening my vision,
To surpass the criss-cross of worldly life the great Rubicon.