Rohini Bhattacharjya



Rohini Bhattacharjya


Immortality in infinity

Immortality in infinity

2 mins

A foreign land you traverse today

Unfamiliar faces look back at you

Your naivette , undisguised.

Yet a proud head and a defiant smile

They shall know today

No, can’t you sustain it then?

When these mere mortals like you,

Survey you, question you

You wilt once more, your proud head

Bowing low, your defiant smile

Disappears, the world seems so surreal

Did this really happen to you

Origins do differ, yet motives are universal

And histories rather diverse

Do they know the story

Behind that proud head and defiant smile

Do they know, even as you seem lesser to them

That once you were lesser still?

In a murky swamp you decayed

Unwilling to decipher

The complex mosiac of your destiny

That the future might have been so different

If not for your proud head and defiant smile.

Even as you languished

In a slimy hellhole of despair and agony

Your deformed body, limp and inactive

Yet you held your head high

And looked into the sky

A proud head and defiant smile.

Hopelesslness surrounded you

Darkness enveloped you

Dreams and destinies seemed non-existent

In this god-forsaken realm your aspirations thrived

In the gloom you dreamt of

a tomorrow

When you would leave the hell-hole

And show to the world

Your proud head and defiant smile

Those battles, frightening and unending

Yet how you braved through it all

And emerged blood-red warrior

A proud head and defiant smile

They look at you today and chide you

For a supposed inferiority to them

But they are yet to see , what they can’t see now.

So when your head bows low

Your smile disappears once more

Oh rise, you who had truly conquered your senses

Oh, does it not haunt you, those memories

An empire collapsing into oblivion

A smashed crown, a scarred soul

Yet how was it, that this kingdom was built once more

The infertile soil giving rise

To a lone slight sapling

Nourished with hope,

Pain and desperation

Your honesty and optimism putting them to shame

Behold it , now

A crushed empire , rebuilt once more

A crown, more glorious than ever sits on your head

That proud head and defiant smile.

You will rise, rise once more

From dust and debris , you will rise once more

They can strip you of your powers

They can demolish your kingdom

But can they ever take from you

Your proud head and defiant smile?

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