Beginning Of The Beginning!
Beginning Of The Beginning!

The day of 20th March 2020, dawned with a new light.
To set, the long-awaited things right.
The long wait was over!
The justice, which was so far denied, finally came by our side.
Now, we could look into her eyes!
The guilty were made to pay for the heinous crime!
As I stood in front of her photograph,
I could still feel the unrest.
I could feel that Nirbhaya was still not satisfied.
The thought that she was still not at peace, unsettled me!
I know
Her body and her soul were savagely scarred!
She wanted to live and fought like a tigress.
But she was forced to surrender before death!
We tirelessly fought for her and got her justice.
But, why she still looked at me with questioning eyes?
What more did she want?
I looked at her again, she fearlessly looked straight into my eyes.
As if asking, “Was it only this you were fighting for all this while?”
The purpose was to teach them a lesson.
But don’t forget, they are not the only ones!
There are many of their kind.
We have to change the mindset,
And who can do it better than us, the women?
We as the mother have to bring the change.
It is the mother, who determines,
What her son thinks about women in general.
The first smile that he sees as a baby,
The first voice that he recognizes, is
that of his mother.
As he grows older,
His mother and her relationships with men-
Husband, brother father and friends
Are the compelling examples
Of how a man should interact with women.
I want every mother to own the responsibility to take it as her foremost duty to teach her son to respect every girl.
For that, she needs to wipe out gender inequality.
As they grow up,
They will take this gender imbalance in status and power
And continue to prove their supremacy over us.
Our mothers can bring up a generation of young men
Who believe in gender equality,
We will be able to build a society where women are loved and respected!
Such heinous crimes will be a common sight.
Our girls will be assaulted,
Our boys will be punished,
In both the cases we, the mother will be at a loss.
So, let this be the beginning of the beginning
To bring a transformation in our society.
You assure me there is no place for gender stereotypes
To teach our male child to value and honour women all through his life.
All girls can walk fearlessly in the streets
Be it day-light or night.
When I, am assured no girl will ever again suffer a similar fate.
My dear friend, I will rest in peace!