Adrija Poddar

Classics Fantasy Inspirational


Adrija Poddar

Classics Fantasy Inspirational

The Mermaid With Broken Wings

The Mermaid With Broken Wings

3 mins

Blamed you without knowing the whole case is what you say

Didn’t ask you about how you felt

They all think you are just a glamorous diva

What they don’t know is you love tennis more than that

Your honesty is their offence

Head held high or low, is up to them

You are yours or theirs you don’t know

But your crown is yours, if you say so.

They call you a fallen angel, but you are just a mermaid with broken wings.

You have to light a candle to witness the destruction, but they think you are sitting under a chandelier

Crimson scarves flowing with the wind, crimson hearts breaking as they are pinned

You say you like reading in the park in front of your house

You like camping and swimming alone, rather than being in a crowd

You like working late and having food by yourself at home

The fire is cold, the book has no pages left at all

The blanket wrapped around you is being torn apart but you have yourself to keep you warm

You want to strike them out from your name and your heart

You are a bit like Deborah, and also like Abigail

The choir girls you are friends with at the church love you a lot

Why are you still hanging by that broken branch then?

The velvet envelopes you burnt in the cold water turned into wet ashes

Do you think you could ever be strong like


You are confused between repeated mistakes and refrain

I know you want to let your heart out on how much you despise them

They are like the broken pieces of glasses, pretended to be delicate

They hurt you so bad, that you are now a mermaid with broken wings

You dress up, you pretend, you don’t, you are out of trend

You breathe in, you’re controlling, you breathe out, you’re failing

Used to be amiable, but now you are unpredictable

You cry, you make it rain, you don’t smile, that caused a famine

Be unfazed, be brave, you wouldn’t want failure to be your fate

Tears are dry, smile unsmiled, own your thoughts rather than borrowing it

Go back to the you, you loved and lived for

Cause their judgments don’t make them your judges

Shining diva or not, spectacled bookworm or not, be a you with no title

The daffodils and the lilies, the unknown forests you’ll never see

The ones unknown with great deeds, or the ones with a million followers, but they didn’t even sow a seed

Who would you be?

Explore behind the guarded up walls you never want to show

Hide if needed from others, but never from you

Like a river to a sea, go wherever you want to be.

Debris may block you, but you must know you are a force undefeated.

You are now an angel for yourself, dear Gabrielle.

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