Noorahmed attar

Drama Tragedy Inspirational


Noorahmed attar

Drama Tragedy Inspirational

Lockdown Life

Lockdown Life

1 min


Woke up to a routine,

Feels like a prison,

I ain't complaining

Cushions in my arms,

Coffee in my hands,

Looking outside the window,

Never felt so calm,




The lazy day,

Feels like an unwanted Sunday

Everything feels surreal,

Guilty as accused,

Labored for extra hours,

Nothingness is hurting,

Helpless to meet friends,

Painful sleeping,

Fearful about back home,


the worst,

Aiming to cope up,

Anxiety and fear,

Never imagined life,

Like the way it is presently,

Hoping for something to shun this time, 

Blessing or magic of some superman,

Let's breathe,

Like we always wanted to live,

Appreciate the nature,

Count your blessings,

Because apocalypse is here,

Just not the way we watched,

It's the other way around,

Not the battlefield,

We are fighting in our body 

And reassuring our minds 

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