Vidit Mahajan

Abstract Comedy Drama


Vidit Mahajan

Abstract Comedy Drama

A Common Man

A Common Man

2 mins

By definition a man who is not unique,

Or special or gifted or different in any way,

The average of all or some call it the median,

A common man is born every single day

Born to a family who yet has faith in the almighty,

They name him after Gods and Kings,

Burdened with unrealistic expectations, From the day he’s born, 

He’s fighting those controlling strings

He is his father’s pride and mother’s blessing,

Praised by relatives, who otherwise snicker behind his back,

A doctor he’ll become, or at least an engineer,

The fruit of his father’s loins will never be a lallygag

The spark of their lives,

Is left wanting for naught,

He always gets his preference,

Whether it be television or AC or maybe even a fancy cot

He grows up arrogant and ignorant,

Protected from worldly hazards,

He thinks of himself as clever and chosen,

Boosted by the flimsy flatteries pulling him backward

A time comes when he steps out of his cocoon,

With promises of enriching his parents,

In his mind, he is the greatest ever,

And wishes good luck to the world, hoping it’s ready for his talents

The shock comes next and then comes the distress,

As the star of his own show finds that he is not alone,

Outranked, and outdone by millions,

The prodi

gal son returns back home to atone

Prodded by his mother’s encouragement,

And threatened by his father’s insults and anger,

He turns back again to face the world,

Which had left him clinging to a banger

He’s thrashed and beaten and trampled beneath,

By the cruelty of his fellow kinsmen,

He learns through treachery and backstabbing,

This dog-eat-dog world is broken

He challenges the power of the sun, 

And braves the torrential rains,

Sweating profusely, fighting fever and cold,

For a shoddy income and yet some extra gains

He enjoys watching films and viewing sports,

Anything which helps him leave reality behind, he enjoys,

He bitches about the men more successful and slanders the unfortunate,

He’s turned into a sore loser when once he was a heroise

He spends his life in agony,

Pained by the labours of his life,

He blames the bus, the trains, the government,

Crying and pleading to rid him of his daily strife

His folks who gave him everything,

No longer mean squat,

He’s tied up with his wife’s bickering,

And the hell that his children have wrought

By definition a man who is not unique,

Or special or gifted or different in any way,

A common man will remain common,

Until this world is blown away

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