Adhithya Sakthivel

Action Thriller Others


Adhithya Sakthivel

Action Thriller Others



18 mins

NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is based on author's fiction. It doesn't apply to any historical references and real-life incidents. Because of the brutal action-sequences and excessive violence, I strictly recommend parental guidance to the kids.



02:30 AM

An unknown guy went to a secluded house at North Chennai and rang the calling bell. Nagalingam is staying in this house. When he opened the door, the unknown guy casually asked him for a call girl. At one stage, he closed the door. The unknown guy has his appearance covered with black mask in his face. He also had the symbol of Garuda in his black shirt.

"Hey. What are you doing da? Who are you?" asked Nagalingam. He shouted for help. But, there's no one to help. Now, the stranger took a big dumbbell from his bag.

Nagalingam screamed out of fear and said, "Hey. Please don't do anything. How much money you need? I will give you."

The unknown guy doesn't listen to his words. He said: "Nagu. Do you know one thing ? Blood and violence is more powerful than money. The more violent the storm, the quicker it passes."

Like a monster the stranger started smashing Nagalingam's face with the dumbbell. Now, he started screaming in pain. At the same time, the stranger took a screwdriver and started stabbing him continuously. In a few minutes, Nagalingam died in pain.

The place became flooded with blood. After that the unknown killer took the flat key and locked the flat from outside. He escaped from there. Unfortunately, no one saw the unknown killer coming or leaving from there. Sensing some danger, Nagalingam's henchmen started to approach the house after hearing the screams of Nagalingam.

After seeing the stranger, they chased after him to fight with him. Laughing aloud, the stranger said: "So you think you have an attitude that'll hurt me? Watch out because mine kills."

The stranger took out his gun and started shooting the first henchman. First to prevent them from escaping he shot everyone faster. After that he slowly went near them and shot on their forehead. After that he left from there.


The next day, Commissioner Arun Kumar who came to the crime scene, checked whether Nagalingam's family member's body was there. When his team checked they came to know that they are not even in that country. Arun came to know that they went to Bangalore for work.

Now Arun immediately informed Nagalingam's family about this. He asked them to come immediately to North Chennai for investigation. Since from the beginning they had doubts on Nagalingam's family members. Since Nagalingam, Another guy Gnanasekaran and Nagalingam's son Alex were charged for sexually abusing a 19-year old girl, in Anna University. But, they didn't even go for a hearing. Using the ruling party's influence, Nagalingam and Alex came out through bail although Gnanasekaran was in jail for his crimes. Within few days, due to some quarrels and misunderstanding, Alex and Nagalingam fought each other. As a result of the fight, Alex took his family members and shifted to Bangalore. In between that time it's usual to doubt a person who already has such a history.

Now Alex who heard about Nagalingam's death came to North Chennai immediately. Arun investigated him seriously. But since he had a proper alibi Arun couldn't investigate him further. At the same time they didn't remove him from the suspect list.

Arun recalled the crime scene, where he saw a strange quote at the entrance. It was written in blood. At the entrance door, it was written: "The most violent element in society is ignorance." Below the quotes, an additional line was written: "Pigs with blood"

Seeing this Arun thought: "The killer must be very angry on the victims. That's why even after killing he was still angry. So he wrote pigs with blood and escaped."

09:45 AM


Meanwhile, in Coimbatore district, a group of people were waiting at the doorsteps of a company secretary office. There, they called a guy, who has just then came to the office by parking his scooter outside.

"Yes sir" said the unknown man.

"When will CS Shri Hari sir come to the office pa?"

"He will come within five minutes sir" said the unknown man. 

After Shri Hari came to the office, he addressed the unknown man by calling his name: "Adhithya." He went immediately towards him.

"Yes Sir."

"Ask them to come in after ten minutes."

"Okay sir" said Adhithya. He does as per his instructions.

Adhithya has completed his Executive stage of CS on June 2022. Currently, he is taking Articleship for three years in order to complete his Professional course. In the next four months, he will complete the Articleship and proceed with his professional programme.

Around 4:30 PM, Adhithya receives a call from a name Dharshu. He doesn't attend the call. After finishing his work in the office, Adhithya proceeds to his room in Gandhipuram. While going, he sees Aravind, Dharshini's relative. As he stopped the vehicle, Aravind approached him.

After inquiring about each other, Aravind asked: "Did Dharshini called you?" Adhithya asked him to look at his eyes for a minute. Now, he told him: "Brother. You know well. I have got some shady shit to take care of."

Adhithya refuses to talk further about Dharshini and moves back to his room in Gandhipuram. Sitting in a chair, he closes his eyes. Slowly, Adhithya recalls his college days.




For the first 15 days, Adhithya doesn't mingle with anyone in the class. But, later on, he started talking with everyone. At this point of time, Adhithya met Dharshini. Slowly, they became friends. Adhithya joins with Dharshini's friends Durga Haritha, Vishalakshi and Jotsna.

The friendship bonding with Dharshini slowly turns into love. She started supporting Adhithya for his righteous cause. However, he stumbles and struggles to understand her fully. Since, there's no one to guide him properly. Dharshini reveals her mother's death when she was 13 years old. It's at this point of time, Adhithya realized how important is family.

Adhithya decides to be responsible and started to maintain good relationship with his father. But, he remains stubborn to keep a distance from his mother. Since, she has separated the things, that he liked the most since his childhood days.

JUNE 12, 2018

Around 12:00 AM, Adhithya opened his Whatsapp and wished for Dharshini's birthday. During the treat, Adhithya lays in her lap and said: "You know Dharshu? I am so happy, today."


"Because, today's your birthday." Dharshini smiled and asked him: "Adhithya. Do you have any desires or wishes?"

"I have one wish" said Adhithya.


"I want to see you in sari, one day" said Adhithya. Dharshini said: "I don't know how to wear sari."

Adhithya sent Youtube video and said: "Learn from this." At the same time, he started focusing on CA Foundation course. Adhithya wasn't able to spend time with Dharshini.


At present, Adhithya starts drinking Goli Soda in his room. While, Aravind meets Dharshini.

"How are you Dharshini?" asked Aravind Iyer.

"I am fine. How are you? How is Adhithya?" asked Dharshini.

"His career is good. But, his personal life is totally damaged!" Dharshini asked about Adhithya's father, to which Aravind becomes flat for a few seconds.

Then, he managed to tell that Ponnuswamy is in Pollachi. But, Dharshini tells that she had gone to see him.

"His father told me everything, brother. I know that Adhithya was outcast from the family. Also, I know well that his mother is dead." Left with no other way, Aravind accepts the facts, said by Dharshini. Now he takes her to his room.



Meanwhile, Commissioner Arun started investigating whether someone wrote quotes starting with, "Pigs" and "Violence." Seeing two people's death at the same time, Arun came to a conclusion that it's not done by a single person.

Before Arun got any lead in this case, there was a brutal murder in Town Hall, Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu. On the night of January 15, the stranger broke into a house. He brutally murdered Askar and his son Althaf who were sleeping at that house with the same black mask and Garuda Black shirt. The stranger nearly stabbed him for 28 times and killed them. For the last two days since there were back to back murders in Coimbatore and North Chennai, the people who are in the city was frozen in shock.

Arun and Coimbatore police ACP Rahul started searching for the suspect. Similarly the victims the stranger murdered had been accused of various criminal activities in the past. Further, they are bigwigs and influential. However, the police enquired whether this murder might have happened because of robbery. But there was no theft evidence in both the houses. Even though both the incidence were similar, there were no words written in blood in the second house like the first one.

Rahul started a separate investigation on Askar's murder. While, Arun continued his investigation on Nagalingam's murder. Even though they were seriously investigating, they didn't even get a small lead in both the cases. But like expecting the unexpected, Rahul got a lead from something else. When he conducted raids and check inside Askar's house, his team seized Quran book and finds out lots of dangerous explosives, hidden at the backyard of the house.

Upon investigating Askar's cousin Nagoor Meeran under custody, he comes to know that, "Askar was a close friend of Jamesha Mubin, a terrorist who got killed in a car explosion on October 2022. They were planning to keep bombs in the important areas of Coimbatore district. After executing plan A, they had plans to execute B, in which Erode district was targeted." As someone video-tapped the confessions and sent it to the opposition party leader of Tamil Nadu, Annamalai questions the ruling party government's poor law and order.

As the case goes viral in social media, Rahul eventually transfers Askar's case to the National Investigation Agency(NIA) on the pressures of the Central government. But, he continued to investigate Askar's murder case separately due to the pressures from ruling party side.


03:45 PM


Meanwhile, Adhithya meets Dharshini on the requests of Aravind. She was looking beautiful in green sari. It was Adhithya's long-time wish to see her in a beautiful sari. She tried her best to talk with him. But, Adhithya was not ready to listen her. He goes to his room. While sleeping in his room, Adhithya recalled about his birthday on 5th November, 2018.



"Happy birthday son" said Ponnuswamy.

"Thanks dad" said Adhithya. After celebrating the birthday, Krishnaswamy and Geetharani went out for a visit to Dharapuram for a visit to their relatives in a car. At the same time, Dharshini asked Adhithya for a visit to his house.

"No Dharshu. Let's meet another day" said Adhithya to which she asked: "You also won't come. I should also not come. No way da. I will definitely come today."

"Hey my parents are not there in the house" said Adhithya.

"For food?" asked Dharshini to which, Adhithya said: "In hotel or mess only."

"No way. I will come there and take care of you till the next day." Adhithya reluctantly agrees. Dharshini serves his favorite dishes and they were having happy interactions until evening.

Laying in Adhithya's shoulders, Dharshini said: "Adhi. You know? I am very happy today."



"Because I am with you today. After my mother, I am with you for a whole day. You know how memorable it is!" As she looked at him emotionally, Adhithya embraced her by hugging her tightly.

"Never ever leave me at any point of time di. I won't bear it."

"I will always be with you da" said Dharshini. Adhithya feels tired and decides to go and sleep. At that time Dharshini said: "I too feel sleepy da. May I also come?"

Adhithya takes her and gives her the pillow and bed sheet to sleep. Dharshini hugged him. When he was about to close his eyes, Dharshini asked: "Hey Adhi. My friends said about Wild Sex often. But how making love is different than the average sex?"

"Why at this time?"

"Hey. Tell me simply da."

"Wild Sex is fun from time to time di. But you know? Every women and man needs to experience sensual, real passionate lovemaking every now and then to truly experience bliss."

"Yes. Women love slow, romantic sex. We love when a man makes love to us. Forget banging, getting laid, getting it on, and all of those different ways to have sex. We often love the caring nature of making love more than any of that."

"Dharshu. They don't just call it making love for no reason. This type of sex is much different from average romp in the sheets. There's a lot more care and emotion involved in making love than just taking off clothes and going at it."


"But, it doesn't mean that every time you have sex with someone you love, it has to be categorized as making love. In fact, this type of sex should be saved for special occasions. Because it is such an intimate act. Ok Dharshu. Let's sleep well. I am so tired."

Adhithya kisses her forehead and sleeps by holding Dharshu's hands. While, she hugged him while sleeping. When he was fully slept, Dharshu kissed his forehead and said: "I love you Adhithya."


 At present, when Dharshini entered the room, Adhithya forbids her from entering inside his room. He fights with her by arguing: "When I had nothing, you left me. But, now you came back since I would settle sooner with good career growth. Right?"

"Think practically. Think from my point of view. Then you will understand everything clearly." While they were discussing, a bunch of goons entered into Adhithya's room for kidnapping him to a dilapidated building in Saravanampatti. Since, Adhithya exposed the recent drug trafficking issues in Coimabtore district and the way, it affects the younger generation in the city.

However, Adhithya's friend Akhilesh took them with him in his jeep to the same dilapidated building. The goons followed him back. On the way,

"Brother. He has come to the same building."

"He caused us a huge loss by telling about our drug business to the social media right. He is finished today!" said the leader of that team. However, a masked man appeared in front of them. He opened a machine gun from his jeep. Keeping it in the surface, the masked man turns the gun into fully automatic mode. Fearing for the gun, they went inside the dilapidated building, which had costly drugs.

The masked man pulls the trigger after turning the machine gun into fully automatic mode. Now, he starts shooting the entire dilapidated building. In the rough battle, all the goons in the building dies a brutal death. After killing them, he sets a time bomb to the building. 15 minutes later, it explodes, destroying all the costly and dangerous drugs, which had been affecting Coimbatore's youngsters for a long period of time.

Meanwhile, Rahul's team started checking vehicles on the Coimbatore road. When Rahul saw Akhilesh's jeep, he stopped the car and checked it after seeing a glimpse of some suspicious weapons in the backside of the jeep. He confirmed that it is deadly and dangerous weapons in the investigation. The team arrested Akhilesh. They takes him to the station for arms smuggling and illegal weapons.

Upon knowing a recent gun battle in a dilapidated building, Rahul investigated about the gun fight. After learning that a masked man was the main mastermind behind the gun battle, Rahul investigates Akhilesh.

Akhilesh who went inside, like getting caught by his own mouth, he said to his inmates, "Hey. Do you know who we are?" He proudly mentioned that he did the recent murders.

Now, Rahul's team came to know about this.

"We just arrested him for burning drugs and for killing those goons with the gun. But he is saying that he murdered someone." Without showing his thoughts out, Rahul asked him: "Whom did you kill? Why did you murder them?"

For that Akhilesh arrogantly replied, "I didn't do this murder on my own, sir. I did it because of my leader's order."

 Rahul couldn't believe that Akhilesh did such a brutal murder. He asked him: "Who is your leader? Where is he da?"

For that Akhilesh said: "Our leader's name is Adhithya. We all belong to Sri Garuda Sena family sir." Immediately, Rahul's team found the house of Adhithya. But, he's not there in the house. He, Aravind and Dharshini have already escaped to Ooty.

The Coimbatore police announces state-wise manhunt to catch Adhithya. At the same time, Rahul asked Akhilesh: "Why did Adhithya order you to do this murder?"

Without any hesitation, Akhilesh said: "Yes." Now, this news became very popular among news channels. Adhithya who did all this murders with henchmen will definitely look frightening and the public started thinking that he might look like this or that. But when Rahul released his photo and announced that he is the leader Adhithya, public laughed.

"He looks like a mad man and under his command, this boy listened to everything he said." Everyone started to doubt whether Akhilesh did everything for him.

But hearing all Akhilesh said under the custody, Rahul confirmed that Adhithya is the cult leader of Sri Garuda Sena. In the investigation, Rahul learned that not only Akhilesh, there were more than five hundred in Sri Garuda Sena. The information was shocking to him. Both women and men were there in SGS.

At the same time, in Ooty, Dharshini angrily holds the shirt of Adhithya. She slaps him left and right. Staring at Aravind, she questioned him: "What the hell is happening here brother? He has become a brutal murderer! And how you support his brutal activities?"

At that time, Adhithya's best friend Hari Krishna arrived. Taking her to his house in Ooty, he showcased the headquarters of SGS in Pollachi. Showing various people inside the building, he additionally showcased various other activities, which shocked Dharshini to the core.

"They are not working under Adhithya because of money, Dharshini. Like him, all are nationalists and patriots. They will even give their life to him." Aravind said to Dharshini.

"And one more thing, Dharshini ma. They didn't join him since they didn't have any work. Everyone in the cult is very educated and working in government." Hari Krishna said to Dharshini.

"Why all the people went behind Adhithya?" asked Dharshini.

"Dharshini. He looked like a crazy man. But he has a very sharp and brilliant mind. Can you believe that?" asked Hari Krishna, to which Dharshini blinks.

"Particularly, Adhithya know everything in Bhagavad Gita and 18 puranas of Hinduism. He had a talent of drawing youngsters and people towards him. In 7th sense movie, like how Donglee control others with his eyes, he will make the teenagers and adults listen to him by speaking." At the same time, when these trio were discussing about Adhithya, he was looking at the trees in Ooty forest ranges.

While, Rahul on the other side, questioned Akhilesh: "Whether Adhithya ordered you all to kill people?"

"Yes sir. Our leader asked us to kill. In fact we are not guilty about it. This society didn't do any good things. But by killing them we did a lot of good things to this society. The people we killed was not fit to live in this world. They were meant to be killed in the eyes of god." Now Rahul started investigating about why Adhithya is doing like this.

The same time, Dharshini asked Aravind and Hari Krishna: "Why is he doing like this?"

Hari Krishna starts to explain the childhood life of Adhithya, before he can say why Adhithya had undergone a violent transformation.


On November 5, 2002, Adhithya was born to Geetharani and Ponnuswamy. Since, Adhithya had mental illness such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, people around him mocked the entire family. By spending lakhs and lakhs of money, his parents managed to recover him from Autism by spending three years of time with Adhithya.

Adhithya's mother was good until 2010. But, she did a lot of wrong things, which irked the son and father. Situation went worse when she did lots of atrocities when Adhithya was pursuing in 13-18 years of age. At the same time, there was a huge misunderstanding between Ponnuswamy and Adhithya, due to which they often fights.

Using this opportunity, Geetharani brainwashed Adhithya. She says, "I will make you travel across Udumalaipet, Erode, Pollachi, Ukkadam and Tiruppur if you manage to seek your father's approval." Through fights and shouts, Adhithya gets the approval from his father to go for Pollachi. Since, Adhithya was attracted to apple bus designs in TN 38 N 10**, 11** and 12**, TN 33 N 18**, 19** and 20** registration buses.

However, the promise was false. Since, Geetharani forbids her son from travelling in those buses, which was in their last days. Instead, she left him to take care of his father, who's receiving treatment in Shantigiri hospitals of Kerala. 

Feeling betrayed and deceived, Adhithya wandered in the road and started to feel alone. He pretends to be happy in front of his father to ensure that he isn't hurt at any cause. Day by day, his fights became worse with Geetharani.

When Adhithya came to college, his notorious nature also started growing. Beating his mother, holding her neck and even going to the extend of killing her. Like this he made trouble to everyone.


At present, Adhithya went inside a room for meditating in Hari Krishna's house.

"I hope you know what happened further. Right?" asked Hari Krishna, to which Dharshini said: "Yes. I still remember those days, brother."

"After breakup, Adhi indeed struggled a lot. But he managed to recover by studying about Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, Ramayana and 18 puranas of Hinduism. He further studied how to read people's mind."

Hearing how Adhithya became disciplined, grounded and good by reading these books, Dharshini was still having doubts. She asked Aravind and Hari: "But, why did he kill so many people? And why he formed Sri Garuda Sena? Who killed Adhithya's mother?"

"Real change is always violent, Dharshini." Pausing a while, Hari Krishna told further: "Adhithya didn't kill people. But, he killed animals, who aren't fit to live as humans in this Kali Yuga. Like Garuda for Vishnu, he wanted to ensure that there's Adhithya for those, whose voice have been forcefully muted by the evil forces. Hence, he formed Sri Garuda Sena."

"Why did Adhithya's father outcast him? Who killed Adhithya's mother? Who dared to touch such a strong and criminal-minded women?" asked Dharshini.

"Revenge and retaliation always perpetuate the cycle of anger, fear and violence."

"Who took the revenge against Adhithya's mother Aravind bro? Who's that avenger?" asked Dharshini.

Hari Krishna tearfully recalled an incident, which completely turned Adhithya's life upside down.

In Pollachi, when Geetharani was protecting someone from Adhithya, he gets aggressive. In anger and rage, he violently stabbed her for more than 20 times. After some emotional moments and tears, Geetharani died in Adhithya's arms. He was also in tears. At the same time, after knowing his son's brutality, Ponnuswamy outcasts him from the family.

At present, Dharshini was in a rude shock after knowing this shocking truth from Hari Krishna.


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