Adhithya Sakthivel

Action Inspirational Others


Adhithya Sakthivel

Action Inspirational Others



11 mins

NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: I think you all know this. This is going to be released as a movie called Amaran which was acted by Sivakarthikeyan. So this is it's true story. If you ask why I am going to saying this work like a story of a hero in a movie means, yes he is a hero. But in real life. The military officers sacrifice their life for the safety of our country and in the war of destroying terrorist. Not only by using braveness but also with prudence they save our country. This story is about the brave history of Mukund Raghavachari Varadarajan of Tamil Nadu. I recommend a parental guidance for kids, who wish to read this story.

JUNE 2013


Normally if we hear the name Jammu and Kashmir, we will think about snowfall, ice and apple farm. But at the same time if we hear about that name another thing will come to our mind. Gunshot, bomb blast and terrorist attacks. This type of news will come to our mind. It will make us shiver.

Like this there is a village called Yachu Guchan. In between the apple farm a terrorist was hiding and his name is Althaf Baba. He turned a lot of college students into terrorist and destroyed their future. He is the reason for a lot of people to turn into a human bomb. There was a bomb blast in lot of places because of him and he kept bomb in school buses and took away the life of a small children. The place in which this horrible terrorist is staying, was known by the Indian military through a spy.

To catch him somehow, commanding officer Amit Singh sent a military team of 6 members. In between the apple farm the military surrounded the house in which the terrorist is staying. That apple farm was in a place called Shopian which is famous for terrorism. Most of the villagers were Althaf's people. Through them he came to know that the Indian military force has surrounded his house. He took his machine gun and started shooting towards the military team. Since his gun was in automatic mode, like rain from the sky the bullets started coming from the gun. Because of this the Major of the military team commanded his team to be on hold.

Now the terrorist who was continuing to shoot, after a few minutes, his speed of shooting became less. The machine gun which was in automatic mode turned into manual mode. The Major who noticed this from the place where he was hiding, understood that the gun which can load 30 round bullets, is in it's last round which means the bullets which he has loaded are the last. He calculated that there is no more bullets with him. From the place where he was hiding, he started counting each bullet which came out of the terrorist's gun.

17, 16, 15, 14…Like this when the Major was counting in his mind, the terrorist who came forward by shooting towards the military came in front of the house. At the same time the Major finished counting…3, 2, 1, 0. The next second he came and stood in front of the terrorist and shot him by looking face to face.


APRIL 12, 1983 

On April 12, 1983, Mukund Raghavachari Varadarajan was born as an only child to Varadarajan and Geetha. He was born in Kerala, Kozhikode and completed his schooling in Chennai. He received his Bachelor of Commerce From Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya at Kanchipuram and a diploma in journalism from the Madras Christian College, Tambaram. His grandfather and two of his uncles also served in the army and this motivated him to join the Armed forces. 

In 2006 Mukund was appointed as a lieutenant in Rajput regiment military force. In the next 2 years in 2008, he was promoted as a captain. Like his dream about military became true his love life also became a success. He married his college lover Indu Rebecca Varghese in 2009. In 2011, they had a daughter Arsheya. He also became a good father like he was a good son and husband. At the same time he trained his team as a captain and made them as a strong force. He started doing his service like an appreciable one like none of his fight has ended in a failure.

Each time when Mukund fight against a terrorist gang he had a lot of wounds in his body. More than sweat his blood was dropped a lot in the sand. But Mukund who doesn't even care about it said to his family proudly that it is a scar of braveness. One time the bullets which came from the enemy's gun made a scratch wound in his back. When he went to his house on leave, Indu Rebecca saw the wound and became panicked.

To Indu Rebecca who was filled with tears, he said: "You are the wife of an army soldier Indu. You must not shed tears for such wounds. In the event of saving the country from the terrorist, even if I am dead you must not cry."

Whenever Mukund gets time he thought Bharathiar songs to his 2 year old daughter. But he didn't teach the Run and play, girl song. The song he taught is, No fear, no fear, no fear at all. Even before the child started to speak he taught her braveness and courage.

At the time when Mukund got all happiness like family and job, like a crown in 2012 his lifetime dream was achieved. The dream of each brave soldier who was at the border to save our country. He got the order to join the 44 Rashtriya rifles.

Mukund who was promoted to Major rank came to Shopian in Jammu and Kashmir. Major Mukund who went to a lot of war only saw the victories.


One among them is which I said in the intro about the operation which happened in 2012. Mukund shot and eliminated Althaf Baba who was hiding in the apple farm. He recovered some gadgets from him and among them. He noticed some digi

tal documents which were written in code words. He guessed that it should be definitely about the leader of the Hizbul Mujahideen group.

To decode the document Mukund handed over it to the military technical team. At the same time to destroy the terrorist, the commander came to know about the strategy which Mukund used. His intelligent thinking without allowing anything to happen to his team, was able to kill the terrorist who caused a lot of destructions. This was known by the whole Indian Military force.

Even at the time when the wishes were coming from all the places, Major Mukund's whole focus was on the digital document. He continuously asked the technical team for the update daily.

They will say that for a good leader the awards and appreciation should not become a head weight. Like that without allowing the head weight getting into his head he just kept it at his foot. Keeping the duty in his mind Major Mukund Varadarajan lived his whole life.

APRIL 24, 2014

On April 24, 2014, again terrorist attack happened. Since it was election time they targeted an election booth. With the intention of stopping the election they started attacking the polling officers. In that one of the polling officers died. Because of this the people were scared and stayed at home without coming to vote.

In this democratic country, they scared the people by not allowing them to vote. By taking away the right of each human to vote they considered it as a very big victory. But it became a very shameful event for India. This news was telecasted in all the channels.

Seeing this Rebecca called him and asked: "What happened?" He was very upset and hung up the call after speaking 2 to 3 words.

APRIL 25, 2014

Around 2 in the afternoon, Mukund sat with his team to eat lunch. At the time when he took his first bite he received a call. When he attended it, he kept the food down and left the place immediately with his team. Since he got the news which he was expecting from the technical team for a while.

The gadget which he collected by eliminating the terrorist in the apple farm was decoded. The technical team said the information to the Major. They said:

"Major. Hizbul Mujahideen's important commander was hiding in Kasi Pathri village in Shopian." He further added, "His name was Althaf Wani. 24 hours before, to stop the polling, his team only killed the election officer."

Major Mukund who was already in anger to destroy the terrorist, the next second he got the information from his RR team, he took the rescue team immediately and went to Kasi Bathri.

Kasi Bathri is a place where common people live and among a lot of houses, the team came to know that he was hiding in a two storey building.

The people said: "There were not one. But three people in the house sir."

Now Major Mukund said his friend and soldier Vikram Singh, "We should follow the same strategy in the Apple farm." But this time there was a problem in that. The time is already 4 in the evening and the sunset is in a few minutes. It will become a very good chance for the terrorist to escape.

Mukund who was very sure that it shouldn't happen, tried to do a sniper attack around the building. But they couldn't view their hiding position clearly. As a result of this, he stopped the plan. At the same time when they were planning what to do, the terrorist came to know that the 44 RR team had surrounded the house. Immediately they started attacking against the military team.

Major Mukund who didn't expect this noticed a lot of bullets coming from inside. He commanded his team to hold and follow the same strategy used in the Apple farm. Like he thought the speed of the bullet coming from the house was reduced. The AK 47 of the terrorist was changed into manual mode from the automatic mode. That is the final round of bullets started to come out of their gun.

At the same time Major Mukund noticed the time was passing. In a few minutes it will become dark. He thought that they will definitely escape if it becomes dark. Now he threw a grenade bomb in that house and the front wall was totally destroyed and the whole place was filled with the smoke.

Now not even a single bullet came out of the terrorist's gun. In this situation Major Mukund and his friend Vikram went inside the house slowly. There one among the three were lying dead. The major who saw his face confirmed that he was not Althaf Wani. In the eyes which were searching for the other two in that smoke, noticed another one lying at the corner and at the same time when they were seeing him, again the bullets came from the gun.

Now without knowing in which direction does the bullets come from, Major Mukund and Vikram started attacking. When they were attacking both of them separated. In that 2 to 3 minutes of gun shooting, unfortunately one of the enemy's bullets, struck Vikram's neck and another in the jaw. Vikram who collapsed in that place sacrificed his life for the country in a few minutes.

Major Mukund who noticed the silence of Vikram's gun, understood that something happened to him. He went in search of Vikram and saw his friend in flesh and blood. But there is not even time to shed tears. Because the time is around 5.30 p.m. His anger for shaming the country by not allowing the polling to happen is on one side. He showed his rage and anger of his friend killed in front of his eyes by screaming.

(You might have a doubt that why he shot only Vikram and not Major Mukund. Like I said already that terrorist was using the last round of bullets. That is the bullet which hit Vikram's jaw was the last bullet of the round.)

Meanwhile, Althaf Wani was trying to escape through the back side. This was seen by Major Mukund. He didn't allow him to escape. His bullets started penetrating Althaf Wani's body. Exactly when Mukund shot him and he collapsed, from another side the bullet started coming towards Major Mukund. The third terrorist who was lying in the corner didn't die. He just fainted. He started shooting Mukund but Mukund shot him as well.

Mukund who came out somehow looked at his team, and said: "Guys. The terrorist gang was destroyed. But we have lost Vikram." The next minute he fainted there. Immediately they ran and lifted Mukund. At that time, the team members saw three bullets in his body. Now they took him to the hospital. But on his way the life of this brave Indian soldier left his body.

Major Mukund's body(who sacrificed his life for the country) was brought to Chennai. His family members, ministers, police officers, like this everyone paid their last respect to him. The military soldiers who came to pay their final respect, got blessings from him and made a royal salute to their Major.

The military dress he wore when he died was given to Indu Rebecca. When she got the blood stained dress of Mukund in her hands, she only looked at it with pain. But not even a single drop of tear dropped from her eyes. Since at that second, "You are the wife of a brave man. Whatever happened to me, you should not cry." Like this Mukund's voice was heard to her. With 42 bullets firing, his body, was cremated in Besant Nagar electric cemetery with military respect.



By honoring Major Mukund Varadarajan's bravery and sacrifice, he was given Ashoka Chakra award. Indu Rebecca received it from the former president Pranab Mukherjee. The most important thing is he is the 4th Tamilan to receive this award.


"I have already said this quote, "Our national flag is not flying because of the wind. It is flying because of the breath of Indian soldier who is protecting our country in the border."



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