Adhithya Sakthivel

Crime Inspirational Drama


Adhithya Sakthivel

Crime Inspirational Drama



14 mins

NOTE: This story is based on true events that happened in Delhi during the period of 1978. No defamation/offense/insult/accusation is intended against any person. The purpose of this story is not to hurt anyone but to tell the tragic story of the victim in the larger interest of humanity and justice.

DISCLAIMER: Parental guidance is strictly recommended for kids because of the excessive violence and explicit rape scenes in the storyline.

AUGUST 26, 1978


The time is around 6:30 p.m. Bhagwan Dass was returning home from the office on his scooter. When he was going near a yoga ashram, a yellow colour fiat car crossed him and he suddenly started hearing someone screaming inside the car. Hearing this Das who was going on the two wheeler started following the car.

When he went near the car, a girl sitting on the back side, was pulling the driver's hair and a small boy with that girl was fighting with person near the driver seat.

"What is happening?" He screamed to stop the car. But the car started going quickly without stopping. Seeing Bhagwan Dass screaming the other people on the road, started chasing the yellow colour fiat car.

Now a person climbed and grabbed the car handle and tried to open the door. But he couldn't open the car door and since the car went faster, no one could stop the car even though all of them tried.

Meanwhile, Indrajeet, saw the same car near Willingdon Hospital and started chasing them. But when he went near the car suddenly red signal came. Since the yellow car went quickly without stopping on the red signal, he couldn't chase the car.

(So who was inside the car? Whether they kidnapped that girl and boy in the car? And if they were kidnapped whether they were rescued or not? And what is the reason behind the kidnapping? It's about a sensational case which we are going to decode in today's story.)


08:00 PM

The time is around 8.00 p.m. Indian Navy captain Madan Mohan Chopra and his wife, to hear a program in All India Radio they were adjusting the frequency. When they tuned the radio to hear the program, a big shock was waiting for them on that day in the program. They were very interested that their son and daughter are going to speak.

Upon hearing another girl speaking they were confused.

(Readers, you might have known who that small girl and boy are in that yellow car)

Captain Chopra's teenage daughter Geetha Chopra who is studying 2nd year, and Sanjay, who was studying 10th standard. (Now what happened to their children?)

Chopra was confused why his children are not speaking in the radio. He immediately went to the radio station. Exactly at 8.45 p.m., Chopra went to the radio station. Hearing that both his children didn't come there, he was shocked. 

Now without wasting any time, the captain went to the police station and filed a complaint that both his children are missing. Since the Navy captain came directly immediately police filed the FIR and started their investigation from him.

The captain said to the police, "Sir. Both of my children had an interview in all India radio around 8.00 p.m. For that they have to reach the station around 7.00 p.m. Around 6.15 p.m., I had an important work and I couldn't drop them in the station. So, Geetha and Sanjay left alone from home. Since they didn't speak in the radio around 8.00 p.m., I went to the radio station in doubt and confirm that they didn't come there. After that I came to the police station."

But 2 hours before Chopra made a complaint about the children missing, police received a lot of calls from people with an information that, "two children has been kidnapped by two people in a car."

Bhagwan Dass, who chased the car called the control room and informed them. When he complained, he said that the car number was hrk 8930. But when they noted it, the control room operator instead of hrk 8930, he noted mrk 8930. Because of this usually when children or teenage girls go missing, each second after that is called golden hours. But here since they wrongly noted the car number, it has become golden hours for the criminal.

Since the number was changed police started investigating the wrong person. Indrajeet who followed the car next complained to another police station. He said in the complaint, "Sir. Two people kidnapped two children in an yellow colour car. So I followed them in my scooter. The boy's shirt who was sitting at the back seat was filled with blood. At the same time when I was shocked after seeing that suddenly that boy saw me. He showed me that he was wounded in the shoulder and asked me for help. It was very pity to look at him. So to help the kids I followed them in the scooter. But suddenly there was a red signal. However, the car didn't stop in the signal. I couldn't do anything after that. Somehow save the children, sir. Finally the car went in Willingdon Hospital road." Like this Indrajeet informed the police.

But this time the police who received this information, thought that the particular area police will look after that and they delayed to start the investigation. Upon knowing this police came to the conclusion that the kids were Chopra's children and started chasing them.

At the same time thinking about what happened to his children, Chopra and his wife started to get scared. Like these two days went.

AUGUST 28, 1978

The time is around 6.00 p.m. In a forest area outside Delhi a person was grazing cows and was taking them to his house. Now inside the forest, he saw something different lying down. When he went near that he was shocked and immediately informed the police. Immediately police went there and asked Madan Mohan Chopra and his wife to come there.

There was two bodies which was fully destroyed. When they further checked the dead body's dress, in one of their pants packet they found Geetha's ID. It's confirmed that they were Captain's missing children.

Seeing their children at that situation, Madan Mohan Chopra and his wife started crying. Now the police who confirmed that the dead bodies were Geetha and Sanjay, sent their body to autopsy. In the autopsy report there were 21 wounds in Sanjay's body. Whereas Geetha's chin was broken and there were five stab wounds in her body. But since the body was almost destroyed, they couldn't find whether Geetha was raped before being murdered. At the same time, they couldn't even find a small evidence about the killer.


AUGUST 31, 1978

Meanwhile in Majili's park people found a suspicious car and they immediately informed it to the police. Like they thought it was yellow colour fiat car. With the car number they found the owner and started investigating.

The owner said, "Sir. One week before, my car was stolen when I parked in front of a hotel." The forensic team who checked the car, found evidences like fingerprints, blood and hair samples. Also inside the car when they collected the mud in the car tyre to test, it matched with the mud where Geetha and Sanjay's dead body was found.

Now the news of the children's death started to become a sensational news in Delhi. The students of Joseph Mary college where Geetha studied, started to protest asking for justice to Geetha. Now Ministry of Foreign Minister Vajpayee and some ministers along with him, came there to console the students who were going on a rally asking justice for them.

At the same time the students who were angry on government, started throwing stones at them and it hit Vajpayee and he was wounded.

The prime minister Morarji Desai, went directly to Captain Chopra's house and paid his respect for the children.

(If the prime minister went to his house to pay respect means, think about how sensational this case was.)

The police were pressured to find the killers quickly. When it is like this, exactly 11 days after this incident, an incident which was not expected by the police happened.


On September 8, the Kalka mail train which was coming to Delhi, stopped in a particular station. When it stopped, two people boarded the train urgently. Since that compartment which they boarded is a military compartment, the army men who saw the two strangers boarding, asked them: "Hey. Who are you? Whether you have an ID card?"

Since both their answers were contradictory, the military officers became suspi

cious. They handed over them to the police in the next station. When they checked their bag there, there was a blood stained dress and a small knife. Upon seeing that, the police was shocked.

When the police investigated them, one of them was 24-year old Ranga alias Kuljeet Singh and 22-year old Billa alias Jasbir Singh.

(Yes readers. You might have heard both their names and you might have thought both of them were dons. But they were not worth it and you will know why at the end of this story)

The police thought that this Ranga and Billa might have kidnapped that kids. With the blood samples and fingerprints found in the car, the police matched it with their fingerprints and blood samples. Like police suspected it was exactly matched, which means they are the killers.

When the police investigated them in their style about the motive of the murder, Billa was silent. But Ranga started to confess slowly. The police who heard his confessions were shocked and this is what he confessed to the police.

Ranga is a lorry driver and he is an expert in stealing cars and Billa is a criminal who will do anything for money. At first in Mumbai both of them who were doing a lot of small criminal works, at one stage they started doing a lot of things together and in a clash during a kidnap case, Billa murdered 2 people and they were afraid of the police.

On August 17 they escaped to Delhi from Bombay. When Billa and Ranga came to Delhi without knowing what to do for money they made a plan. According to the plan they stole yellow colour Fiat car in front of a hotel. According to their plan, they decided to kidnap couples who are coming alone at night. At first they decided to go to their house and rob. With such plan on August 26 when both of them were going in the car, they saw Geetha and Sanjay walking on the road.

(This is what is called wrong place at a wrong time. What was the meaning of this means even though you are not wrong, you will be affected. Similarly Geetha and Sanjay were not wrong in this. But they are going to die in a brutal way)

When Ranga and Billa were going in the car, with the dress which the kids were wearing, they guessed that they were rich kids. They decided to kidnap the kids and ask money from their parents.

"Whether you need lift?" Ranga asked to Geetha and Sanjay. Since, it's raining, Geetha and Sanjay should go to the station quickly. Without knowing about their plan, they got inside the car.

(In this place, I should say something Readers. Always remember. Stranger danger. There might be good people. But how can we find it. So better avoid strangers)

In a few minutes after they got inside the car, the car started going beyond the radio station. Seeing this the kids asked to stop the car. But the car didn't stop. Because of this the kids were shocked. They tried to open the car door. But Ranga removed the handle priorly.

Now only the kids realized that they were being kidnapped. The kids started screaming for help. It was not un-time. It was around 7.00 p.m. Hearing the news a lot of people started following the car.

At the same time to stop the car Geetha grabbed Billa's hair and started pulling it. At the same time, Sanjay started beating Ranga. Now Ranga showed a knife and started to threaten them to be silent. But the kids were not scared. Since, they were the kids of a navy officer. They started fighting back and the knife was forcefully stabbed in Sanjay's shoulder.

In a few minutes Indrajeet saw them. Ranga who was scared that Indrajeet was following them ferociously, asked Billa: "Shall we leave the children here and go?"

But the brutal murderer Billa didn't accept it. Now both of them threatened the kids and asked: "What your father is doing?"

For that the kids said: "Our father is a navy officer."

"If we leave these kids, their father won't leave us alone." The guys thought. Also they feared that both of them will get caught by the police. Thinking that they will be punished for the previous two murders also, both of them started getting scared. But it was not the only reason.

Billa who was driving the car started to look Geetha weirdly. He started putting another plan.

"Ranga. We can go to an isolated road with this car. We will make Geetha to ask lift to the passer by cars and rob them. After that we will leave both the kids." Like this Billa and Ranga fakely made a plan for the kids to hear. Hearing this Geetha and Sanjay, became relaxed and thought that it is okay if they leave them. Both of them who were fighting back till now, without fighting in the car and screaming they went silently. But they don't know that it was fake and the complications after that.

Now when the car went to an isolated forest, Billa and Ranga started executing their real plan. They locked Geetha inside the car and dragged Sanjay into the forest. After taking him for a few distance Billa gave Ranga a knife.

"Ranga. Kill him!"

"No no. I can't!"

Now hearing what they were speaking, Sanjay started to get scared. He pleaded to leave him. Billa became angry that Ranga didn't do what he said immediately. He screamed at him to kill Sanjay.

Ranga who was scared seeing him screaming he stabbed Sanjay with the knife. Now he couldn't bear the screaming of that small boy. He hesitated whether to stab him or not. (Because like I already said, Ranga is just a small thief.)

Billa who does brutal murders without any pity, immediately snatched the knife from Ranga and repeatedly struck the boy. In this, Sanjay suffered in pain and died in a pool of blood.

Ranga who saw this became frightened. After this he took the knife to kill Geetha next. Both of them started walking towards Geetha, who was inside the car.

Once they opened the car door Geetha who saw them, asked: "Where is Sanjay?" She started crying.

Billa said: "If you are silent, I will take you to your brother."

While Ranga cleaned the blade, Billa made Geetha nude by removing her dresses completely. He then rapes her. Then Billa asked Ranga to rape the girl, which he did. When she was being raped again, Geetha picked up the kirpan and struck Billa's head. The girl ran towards the road, but Ranga caught her. They made her dress and told her they were taking her back to her brother nearby. Even though Geetha was fighting back with them on one side, she was searching for her brother. Once they went near the place where they killed Sanjay, Geetha started crying seeing her brother. Billa who used that opportunity stabbed her from the back. Since he stabbed her for five times again and again with the knife, Geetha also slowly died.

After killing the kids, Ranga and Billa washed the car to remove most of the blood. On 28 August, Billa left for Bombay by train. On 30 August, Ranga found out that some Bombay policemen were in Delhi. He changed plates and parked the car a few lanes away from his rented place. On 31 August, he saw the police had found the car. Billa returned the same day. They left for Agra on 31 August.

However, in an unexpected way Billa and Ranga got caught by the military officers. They were charged under 14 section and was put in Tihar jail. Both of them were given death sentence. But they gave petition to the president to reject it and the president ignored it. When the whole country was waiting for their death sentence, that day also came.


JANUARY 31, 1982

4 years after the murder on January 31, 1982, around 5.00 a.m., both Billa and Ranga were hanged to death. But two hours after that when the jailers checked both their pulse, Billa died. But, Ranga still had pulse. Since he was thin and short, the rope didn't strangle him properly. He somehow managed to be alive for two hours. Again when he was hanged, the jailers pulled his legs to kill him. Since their relatives didn't come to collect the bodies, Ranga and Billa's dead bodies were cremated in Tihar jail.


"Even though a lot of them saw Sanjay and Geetha being kidnapped, it is very sad that they couldn't save them. But till the final minute for fighting against the criminals bravely, Geetha Chopra and Sanjay Chopra were given Kriti Chakra Award as an appreciation for their braveness. This award is given those soldiers, who died in the war."

So Readers. What do you think about this story? What is your opinion about Geetha Chopra and Sanjay Chopra? And did you know about this Ranga and Billa? Comment your opinions without forgetting.




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