Malhaar Preet

Action Crime Thriller


Malhaar Preet

Action Crime Thriller

Truth or Death (1)

Truth or Death (1)

3 mins

"Blood Unites, Castes Divide"

The Riots have been going on. It's hard enough to get out of your house without getting trampled, the government still expect you to go to school. It's ridiculous! Hi, I'm Malhaar Preet. Your average 12-year-old girl except for the fact that my I.Q is 140! This is a totally fictional story. (Sure! every bit of pain and Turmoil I felt was fake!) but in the state Mumbai was in. I doubt anything was normal! As I was saying, the riots have been getting worse. If I were to personally give my opinion on the matter, then i think that what the killer did was absolutely correct! The secrets behind the rich deserved to come out! The only problem was that. The middle class and poor people were on the killer's side but the judicial system which is technically nowadays run by the rich, the government and the great rich themselves were against the killer. So, the Poor against the Rich! Just like Hunger Games! 

I live in the 7th most luxurious building in Mumbai. But I'm not Rich. Na, I'm in the middle class. This is the story of how my life was flipped upside down because of some ……………… Unfortunate events.

Me and my cousin (Who lives in the same building) were arguing whether or not the Killer was right or wrong. Vaishant (Wally) said,

"He's wrong! Dude, it's evil! You don't just go around killing people for any reason! It's completely wrong!"

"Even if that person does not deserve to live?"


"Think from a different perspective Wally!"

"There is no 'different perspective! No one deserves to die!"

"As far as i can remember the last time Arjun made fun of you, what did you do?"

"I punched him square the noes! So what?"

"Imagine if someone kills your mother or father. If you broke a kid's Noes than I'm sure you would go to the end of the world to murder that person."

Wally said,


That's when my twin Ahaan, burst through the door. I'll give you a brief of how he looked. He had Dark brown bushy hair, squarish glasses, a fair complexion. And overall looked like Harry Potter. A Harry Potter with more Attitude. Ahaan had Autism. It's a disability when you are just basically slower at learning new stuff then others. Ahaan looked like a child model. And according to Wally if he was in a regular school then he'd have multiple girls chasing him.

Wally was in 9th standard; he is lean and tall. He is pretty skinny too. He has black hair, short hair. He loved playing the guitar and was a builder. He built amazing stuff. He even fixed my dad's half broken computer. Wally is an intellectual in mechanics, but he lacks common sense. He has this mischievous smile on his face all the time, which stated that never let him be close to fire. 

That's when Ahaan said, 

"I Want Balloons!"

His recent most obsession was Balloons. Ahaan might not seem very smart when he says stuff like that. But I swear don't underestimate him. 

I rolled my eyes and said,

"Yep, Balloons! Certainly!"

That's when a repeated beeping started. I knew that sound! It sounded like………………………….THE FIRE ALARM!

Our parents were out. Wally started panicking,

"What do we do?!?!?!" 

"Calm down, follow me."

I grabbed the keys from the kitchen shelf, i took a deep breath and stepped out. That when I saw the fire. Ahaan and Wally rushed out, i locked the door in a frenzy. The fire was raging even closer! The key got stuck within the lock. Now the fire was a few meters away. The heat was too much. My head started to reel. I muttered,

"Leave it!" I

I ran into the staircase as our floor was engulfed in flames. But the real horror starts in the next chapter.

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